Selected chest ultrasound images. a) Sea-shore sign. Selected chest ultrasound images. a) Sea-shore sign. Granular “sea-shore” appearance of normal lung sliding on M mode. b) Barcode sign. Horizontal “bar-code” appearance with loss of lung sliding on M mode. c) B-lines. Asterisks indicate comet tail artefacts arising from the pleural line (B-lines). d) Simple pleural effusion. “E” indicates anechoic free-flowing effusion. “L” indicates compressed atelectatic lung. “D” indicates diaphragm. e) Consolidation. “C” indicates consolidation. “D” indicates diaphragm. “L” indicates liver. “S” indicates serrated distal margins of the consolidation. Arrows indicate air bronchograms. f) Lung tumour. The arrow indicates the smooth distal margin of the mass. Mark Hew, and Tunn Ren Tay Eur Respir Rev 2016;25:230-246 ©2016 by European Respiratory Society