Financial Presentation Including the Revised Budget November 15 ,2018
Agenda Revised Budget Revenues Revenues by “Source” Updated Projections Expenditures Breakdown of Budgeted Expenditures by Object Updated Projections/Adjustments Projected Fund Balances
Breakdown of Revenues **Not Including Bond Revenues
State Revenue Formula/Classroom Trust/Prop “C” Decrease in WADA Reduction in formula/Classroom Trust by approximately ($90,000) Prop C = Reduction of approximately ($40,000) Transportation Currently projected at $817,000 Transportation has been reduced significantly over the years and continues to be reimbursed at a significantly low rate ECSE = Increase of $217,000 Direct reimbursement of previous year’s expenditures
Sources of Revenue Local Current Assessed Valuation - $605,385,790 Local Tax Collection – budgeted at 98% collection rate The majority of our local taxes will be collected in December and January Increase of $125,000 from the Preliminary Budget State ECSE – Increase of $217,000; This reimbursement is tied directly back to last years expenditures Federal No adjustment at this time from the Preliminary Budget
Expenditures Operating
Expenditures Staffing Staffing/Benefits – Updated to reflect our closer to actual numbers Purchased Services/Student Behaviors Therapy Relief Sunny Hill Supplies – (One time expenditures) Textbooks Building Allocations Technology Upgrading Switches to strengthen the network
As the year continues……….. We will continue to track Revenues that can still fluctuate Local Tax Collection Transportation Bond Projects The economy is good, bids have been fluctuating up as much as 25%
Revised Budget “Operating Fund” Opening Fund Balance $ 15,997,008 Total Revenues $ 65,860,221 Total Expenditures $(65,727,963) Ending Fund Balance $ 16,129,266 Ending Fund Balance 24.5% Percentage based on our most current snapshot in time; The Revised Budget is based on our most current projections and will be adjusted again at the Amended Budget in April.
General Fund Balances by % 2/22/2019 10:13 PM General Fund Balances by %