2019 HOA Annual Meeting
Agenda Welcome and proof of notice Introduction of Current HOA Board of Directors Review 2018 Expenditures & 2019 Budget 2018 Accomplishments 2019 Plans Future focuses Nomination & election of new Board of Directors
2018 Board of Directors & Home Association Solutions President: Neil Sickendick Vice President: Libby Hayes Treasurer: Sarah Heine Secretary: Brian Tannahill Member: Steve Allee HAS Representative: Dylan Stang Our Mission: To make Shannon Valley a great community for current homeowners and a desirable neighborhood to prospective residents!
2018 Balance Sheet as of Annual Meeting
2019 Proposed Budget - Income
2019 Proposed Budget – Administrative Expenses
2019 Proposed Budget – Commons Area, Trash, & Total Operating Expenses
2019 Proposed Budget – Reserve Income & Expenses
2018 Financial Summary $3,605.66 in the BofA operating account $91,895.67 in the BofA money market account $5,017.47 in accounts receivable Two residents are multiple year debtors (89% of debt) $20,200.00 in 2019 dues prepayments and credits as of today. In total, the association is projected to end the year with $63,807.17 in total reserves (down from $89,329.71 in 2017). In total, the association is projected to end the year outperforming the budget by $11,642.93, but decreased total reserves by ($24,535.07), including accounts receivables.
2018 Accomplishments Completion of College Blvd Fence project Common area enhancements: Little Free Library – (thank you Paul Wildgen & Tim Elliott) Benches near SV Park Playground – (thank you City of OP) Landscape clean-ups around monuments Cost Savings: New Waste Management Contract – approx. $3,000 savings in 2019 Storage unit contract revisited – approx. $500/annual savings
2018 Accomplishments Cont’d. Communication: Doubled the number of homeowners using Nextdoor.com Increased website views (24/day to 27/day), website usability Events: Easter Egg Hunt Garage Sale 4th of July Celebration/Parade Oktoberfest
2019 Plans Additional Social Events: Movies in the park Shannon Valley Day of Service 4th of July: reserve SV Commons/parking lot only for SV residents Common Area Improvements: Parking lot lighting (solar) Replacement of trees along west side of Grant Blvd entrance Explore permanent storage building for convenience/elimination of storage unit Gas Grill available for SVHA events and with reservation of pavilion
2019 Plans Cont’d. Communication Continue to grow website/Nextdoor.com presence, digital directory Transition to digital newsletters with limited print availability Expense/Revenue HOA Management Company RFP Landscape contract review Evaluate possible bank changes Future financial evaluation Establish Standing Committees (block captains, social, longterm planning, document review, other?)
Future Focuses Expenses/Revenue: Trash contract increases – 3% annually Expected utility increases Landscape inflation increases SVHOA capped at $150 annual assessment Keeping SV attractive to current/prospective homeowners Lot maintenance/upkeep Amenities/events Governing Document Updates
Election of 2019 Board of Directors Five positions open Neil Sickendick, Libby Hayes seeking re-election to board Board Positions to be determined by new board Nominations and stump speeches Election Announcement of new board and first meeting
2019 Nominees Scott Easterhaus Brian Tannahill Neil/Libby
Parting Thoughts Please contact a board member or HAS with ideas/thoughts to improve SV; any issues/concerns/questions Utilize website/Nextdoor.com to update contact info, stay current on events/activities Volunteer for committees or event assistance Keeping our neighborhood great starts with each of us!
Thank you for participating!