TKaM Ch. 14-17 10/29-11/2
Bell Work 10/29 “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” -Nelson Mandela Think about a current struggle you are experiencing. How can you apply this quote to your life right now? Be specific. 5-6 sentences.
Agenda 10/29 Bell work/discussion RPS Quiz 7 Read CL: Herd Behavior Questions
Bell work 10/30 Tell a story about your favorite halloween. Did you dress up? Who were you with? What happened? 7-9 Sentences. If you do not celebrate Halloween think of another holiday or celebration.
Agenda 10/30 Bell Work/Discussion Discuss Herd Behavior “Excerpt from Southern Horrors”
Happy Halloween 10/31 With only six words create a scary story. Examples: “I screamed. My reflection watched, smiling.” “Someone’s knocking. On the closet door.” “Twenty years passed when I awoke.”
Halloween Agenda Bell work/discussion Color connotations Pumpkin Characterization and symbolism for a character in TKAM.
Bell Work 11/1 “Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.” -C.S. Lewis What figurative language is used in this quote? Explain why C.S. Lewis’ use of figurative language is effective in this quote.
Themes What themes are currently present in To Kill a Mockingbird? In the two common lit articles we have read this week are there any similarities with the TKaM themes? Explain.
Happy Friday! Bell Work 11/2 1.What problem arises at the colored church when the kids visit with Cal? 2.Why does Aunt Alexandra move in? 3.How is Jem a dynamic character? Provide specific examples. 4.How does Scout’s innocence affect the mob outside the jail?
Agenda 11/2 Bell Work/Discussion Quiz Ch. 13-17 Grade quiz as a class Begin Chapter 18?