Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter 9-26-17 Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter 972-427-6050 Reminders… -Please check your child’s folder daily. -Please keep a full change of clothes in student’s backpack. -Please have your 3-digit code visible at pick up. -Follow our class on twitter @cbchadwick. -Start sending Box Tops to earn money for our school. Important Dates: 9/29 Pink Out Day! Pink shirt with dress code bottoms 10/2 Anti-Bullying Day! Blue shirt with dress code bottoms 10/7 Dietz/Walker Community Walk/Run 10 a.m. 10/9 Fundraiser Delivery Weekly Objectives… Learning to show kindness toward others Identifies letters and sounds Exploring how people grow and change Exploring simple shapes Color Green Phonics Focus Math Focus Identifying Letter Cc and its sound Simple shapes Social Skills Focus: Color Green Kindness