The General Paper Blog Hoe Gim Yau Sharing with you my experience with a blog that I created and have been maintaining for general paper 22/2/2019 Taught for almost 4 years I can be reached 22/2/2019
Overview History of the General Paper blog Features Challenges and issues Possibilities Your comments and questions 22/2/2019
Some history First post – 8 March 2006 190 posts so far 19 April 2006 – Mr Miyagi ( 4 April 2007 ‘The Most Blog-Friendly Junior College of Singapore’ – Bjorn Lee Department meeting to discuss strategies to improve our students’ learning and results Successful college blog With 15.5 Million Active Blogs, New Technorati Data Shows that Blogging Growth Seems to be Peaking - Heather Green A little over a year On average – about one post every other day. Surprise! Today Decided that we are The Most Blog-Friendly Junior College of Singapore a co-founder of Entrepreneur 27 Singapore and also a contributing blogger for E27 Singapore was founded in January 2006 by a group of students who returned from year-long technology entrepreneurship programs in Silicon Valley. Divergent type of problem, invites multiple solutions Market saturation ‘A dead blog’ 22/2/2019
Features Web log – repository, archive, a shared notebook Publicly accessible Design elements - ease of use, creating content Visually appealing, multimedia, diverse content ‘Web-native content’ Part of an ecosystem, the ‘Blogosphere’ What is good for? Cumulative increase in content in one place Reach broad audience photos, mindmaps, music videos on youtube, links, agglomerate multiple evaluated sources, links to free software You can simply find something interesting on another site and link to it, possibly with commentary or additional examples. Types of content the Blogosphere) that serves as a positive feedback loop: Whatever good postings exist are promoted through links from other sites. Eg. Miyagi Chwee Bock’s Gee Pee! 22/2/2019
Challenges and issues Nuisances, comment spam, liability – maintenance Staying alive – sustainability, ownership authorship 22/2/2019
Possibilities Contributions and co-authorship (control) Students’ work Commercialisation Paperless GP? Autonomy Adsense google Place Google ads on your site - and earn more money. Left out a feature? 22/2/2019
Questions? Comments? 22/2/2019
Bibliography Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, October 17, 2005: Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes - Features Bloggers & Moderators liable for blog comments With 15.5 Million Active Blogs, New Technorati Data Shows that Blogging Growth Seems to be Peaking - Heather Green Will be posted on the blog 22/2/2019