Twitter: @ThraneExplorers Our 2nd Grade Classroom News Friday, March 10th, 2017 Email: Twitter: @ThraneExplorers Upcoming Events Math Date Event 3/7 Parent Technology Night @ HMS 3/10 End of 3rd quarter 3/17 St. Patrick’s Day: wear green! 3/20-24 Right to Read Week 3/27-31 Spring Break! Don’t forget to check us out on Twitter for lots of pics and details about classroom lessons and activities throughout each week! We are: @ThraneExplorers Comparing 3 units of measurement (inches, feet, yards) and exploring how sizes of units impacts the number of units necessary to measure the object Measurement word problems based on “Jim and the Beanstalk” Basic fractional measurement Unit 4 Measurement Assessment Begin Unit 7: Measurement, Fractions, and Multi-Digit Computation Introduction to the metric measurement of centimeters and comparing them to inches Reminders Writing Parts of a friendly letter and letter-writing practice Addressing envelopes Biographies/timelines Grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Review of personal narratives Social Studies: Comparing Inuit and Masai to wrap up the unit Inuit/Masai assessment (Venn diagram) Dr. Seuss’s birthday Reading Conclusion of biography unit New unit: Different Types of Nonfiction Revisiting nonfiction reading strategies Review of “before reading” strategies Review of “during reading” strategies taking notes on new information using text features effectively monitoring comprehension