Art. 17 EGTC Indicators 13th Meeting of the Expert Group on Delegated and Implementing Acts for the ESI Funds 4th July 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Art. 17 EGTC Indicators 13th Meeting of the Expert Group on Delegated and Implementing Acts for the ESI Funds 4th July 2013

Empowerment Art. 17 EGTC "By 1 August 2018 the Commission shall forward to the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee of the Regions a […] report on the application of this Regulation, evaluating, based on indicators, its effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, European added value and scope for simplification […]. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts, in accordance with Article 17a, laying down the list of indicators referred to in the first subparagraph."

A clear distinction should be made between monitoring and evaluation of the EGTC Regulation and of the bodies set up under the EGTC Regulation.

Suggested Evaluation questions 1. What is the relevance of the EGTC Regulation, with regards to its stated objectives of 'reducing the significant difficulties encountered by Member States and, in particular, by regional and local authorities in implementing and managing actions of territorial cooperation within the framework of differing national laws and procedures' (Recital (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006)? 2. Effectiveness question: To what extent have the objectives of the Regulation been achieved? Are the effects produced by the Regulation in line with its stated objectives? How effective is the EGTC Regulation in promoting the use of EU-level legal instruments for co-operation?

Suggested Evaluation questions 3. How efficient is the EGTC Regulation, in terms of achieving its objectives – is there another more cost-effective policy instrument for achieving the same objectives? Is the administrative burden of setting up and running an EGTC proportionate to the benefits obtained? 4. To what extent has the simplification of the EGTC Regulation corresponded to the needs of beneficiaries? Has it made the setting up of an EGTC quicker or less complicated? 5. What is the added value of having a European Regulation on EGTC, over and above existing national legislation or the Council of Europe acquis?

Suggested Evaluation questions Other relevant questions could be: 6. What are the benefits of taking part in an EGTC – over and above what could have been achieved if authorities had acted on a national basis? What were the main motivating factors in choosing to set up an EGTC, for those bodies who have formally entered into EGTC agreements? What factors prevent potential participants from setting up an EGTC agreement? 7. Is it more or less burdensome in administrative requirements than other EU level legal instruments such as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), European Foundations, European Economic Interest Groupings, European Companies?

Suggested indicators for monitoring of EGTC Regulation The number of EGTCs set up The costs of setting up an EGTC The length of time to set up an EGTC (up to the submission of the draft convention and up to the final approval) The number of Member States that have fully implemented the EGTC Regulation

Suggested indicators for monitoring of EGTC's activities 1. The number of Member States (and of third countries or Outermost countries and territories (OCT)) under whose laws EGTC members are established. 2. The number of national authorities participating in an EGTC. 3. The number of regional authorities participating in an EGTC. 4. The number of local authorities participating in an EGTC.

Suggested indicators for monitoring of EGTC's activities 5. The number of public law bodies in terms of Directive 2004/18/EC participating in EGTCs. 6. The number of public law utilities bodies in terms of Directive 2004/17/EC participating in EGTCs. 7. The number of organisations providing Services of general economic interest (SGEI) participating in EGTCs. 8. The number of members from third countries or Outermost countries and territories (OCT) participating in EGTCs.

Suggested indicators for monitoring of EGTC's activities 9. The amount of European Funding (Cohesion Policy) accessed by EGTCs. 10. The amount of European Funding (outside Cohesion Policy) accessed by EGTCs. 11. The number of European funded projects implemented by EGTCs. 12. The number of European territorial cooperation programmes where EGTCs are managing authority, joint secretariat or intermediate body (including managing an ITI or JAP).

Suggested indicators for monitoring of EGTC's activities 13. The number of services provided as a result of an EGTC 14. The number of joint environmental projects managed as a result of EGTCs 15. The number of joint infrastructure projects managed as a result of EGTCs 16. The number of new territorial cooperation structures, including networks, which exist as a result of an EGTC. 17. The number of new fields of activity in which EGTCs operate.

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