Signals and systems ELEC 305 University of Nizma Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Electrical and Computer Engineering Signals and systems ELEC 305 Spring Semester 2013/2014 Lecturer: Eng. Atef Abu Salim
Instructor Eng. Atef Abu Salim Office No.: 5D-39 Office Hours : Day Time Sunday 09:00-11:00 Monday 09:30-11:00 Tuesday 09:00-11:00 Wednesday 09:30-11:00 Thursday 09:00-11:00
EduWave Online System All student must have an EduWave online system account on The EduWave online System contains :- Course Syllabus. Announcement. Assignments. Class Notes. Answer Keys of assignments and exams. Attendances.
Assessment Details Assessment process takes direct and indirect measurements to ensure that learning outcomes and program objectives have been achieved. The assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects First Exam 20% Week 6 Second Exam 20% Week 12 Assignments 10% Weekly activity Quizzes 10% Weekly activity Final Exam 40% Week 17
Exam Policy No make-up exams except for valid reasons. Make-up may be different from regular exams in content and format. Exam answer keys are posted on online system immediately after finishing the exam. Exam Grading is posted on online system. Exam seating is given by the instructor.
Plagiarism policy As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions(not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties: copy the work of another student; directly copy any part of another person’s work; summaries another person’s work; use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work; or use experimental results or data obtained or gathers by another person. cheating during exam
Attendance policy As per the University Absentee Regulations Uon-RR-AP-1-2009, Absentee warning notice will be issued to the student according to: “Absentee Warning 1” has to be issued to student who has missed 5% of course contact hours. “Absentee Warning 2” has to be issued to student who has missed 10% of course contact hours. “Drop one Grade” has to be issued to student who has missed 15% of course contact hours. “Barred from Examination” has to be issued to student who has missed 25% of course contact hours.
Assignments Policy All assignments available on online system. Your assignment answers must be submitted on online system before due date Assignment answer keys are posted on online system. Assignment grades are posted on online system. No Acceptance of late submission.
Course Description This course emphasize on the classification of signal like continuous and discrete signals and systems. Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Convolutions, Linear Time Invariant LTI System, Differential and difference equations. Fourier analysis and Fourier Transform for Continuous-Time signals. Laplace Transform and its properties. Analyzing continuous signals with Laplace and Fourier transform.
Weekly Teaching Fundamental Concepts: Continuous-Time Signals, Discrete-Time Signals, Systems, Basic System Properties. Basic Discrete-Time Signals: Input /output representation of Discrete Time Systems Convolution of Discrete-Time Signals, Difference Equations System Model. Basic Continuous-Time Signals: Differential Equation Model for Continuous-Time System Convolution Representation of Continuous-Time Systems Fourier Series: Representation of signals in Terms of Frequency Components, Trigonometric Fourier Series, Complex exponential Series Fourier Transform: Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier Transform
Cont. Weekly Teaching Generalized Fourier Transform Fourier Analysis of Systems: Fourier Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems Response to Periodic and Non-periodic Inputs. Analysis of Ideal Filters Laplace Transform and the Transfer Function representation, Laplace Transform of a Signal, Properties of the Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Transform of Iput/Output Differential Equation, and Direct Construction of the Transfer Function. Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems by Use of the Transfer Function Representation Stability, Stability Test, Analysis of the step Response, Causal Filters