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FINGERPRINTS www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Topics to be covered The background behind fingerprints How can fingerprints be detected? How can they be classified? How do they help solve crimes? Point 1 includes How fingerprints were discovered What are fingerprints? Why do we have fingerprints? Why are they unique to each individual? Why do we leave marks when we touch? How can fingerprints be detected? How can they be classified? How do they help solve crimes? www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Background Consist of valleys and ridges on finger pads Also present on palms, soles of feet and toes Formed in the womb Unique to individuals Remain unchanged except for permanent scarring Point 1 Also present on the toes and www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Why do we have fingerprints? Provide friction/aid grip Dispel water and liquid Aid sensitivity of touch www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Why do we leave marks when we touch something? The sweat leaves a pattern matching our fingerprints Skin contains pores and sweat glands When we touch something we leave a trace of sweat behind www.thinkforensic.co.uk
History of fingerprints Edward Henry Scotland Yard Fingerprint Office 1901 Francis Galton UK 1892 classified fingerprints 8th Century Japan possible use India 1858 William James Herschel prints used to prove identity Argentina 1892 Juan Vucetich first criminal case www.thinkforensic.co.uk
3 Main Fingerprint Patterns Whorl Loop Arch www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Unique comparison Final comparison is made by 3 fingerprint experts www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Fingerprint Characteristics DOT ISLAND CORE ENDING SPUR LAKE DELTA RIDGE ENDING www.thinkforensic.co.uk
Comparison Fingerprints are compared using (AFR) Automatic fingerprint recognition system www.thinkforensic.co.uk
International Law Enforcement International Liaison www.thinkforensic.co.uk
For more information on fingerprinting including other techniques please visit the interactive crime scene on our website www.thinkforensic.co.uk © Think Forensic 2007 Phone 0044 (0)1484 607 851 www.thinkforensic.co.uk