Welcome to Year Four 1
Year Four Staff 4LW Mrs Willeard 4LM Ms Murphy / Mrs Durbin 4HH Mrs Howe Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rama, Ms Painter, Mrs Malik, Mr Gibbs, Mrs Flanagan, Mrs Davies, Mrs Crozier
Start/end of day Line up by the library Mon/Wed/Fri - daily mile 4LM and 4LW – have lockers for their things Sent straight out to you or After School Club Children need to come back to the classroom if you are not there.
Topics Main topics this year are: Term 1: India Term 2: World War I Term 3: The Iron Man Term 4: Production themed Terms 5 & 6: Romans in Britain
PE PE days – Different for each class so please can kit be in school all week. 4LM – Fri 4HH – Wed 4LW – Tues Swimming - started today for 4LW then 4HH, and finally 4LM 6 sessions per class this year
Music and French Autumn 2018 4LM 4LW 4HH Clarinet French Music Wednesday afternoons Autumn 2018 4LM 4LW 4HH Clarinet French Music Spring 2019 Summer 2019
Homework Given on a Friday – back for following Wednesday Literacy or Topic Spelling Maths Reading – bookmarks Sumdog/Times Tables Rockstars
Year 4 Reading Rewards Morpurgo Walliams Hughes Cowell Shakespeare Dahl After finishing a book, the children should do one of the activities in their homework folder and get an adult to sign the bookmark. Once complete they are given a certificate and the next bookmark.
Dates Maths meeting: Thursday 27th September in 4HH with Mr Davies India Day: Monday 15th October 2018 Dorset: Monday 13th – Thursday 16th May 2019 (separate meeting to be held) Production: Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd April 2019
Windmill App All reminders and some notices will be sent out using the app so please sign up to this if you haven’t already.