Designing a Controlled Experiment The Mung Bean Designing a Controlled Experiment By: Student #1, #2, #3 and #4
I. The Problem: “What household ingredient when added to water will cause mung beans to germinate and grow”
II. Hypothesis If the household ingredient of _____ is added to water, then it will cause mung beans to germinate and grow because…
III. Experiment Materials * Procedure – listed in “step” form Step 1
III. Experiment C. Controls & Variables Describe the control group Describe the experimental group Identify the controlled variables of the experiment. Identify the independent variable Identify the dependent variable
IV. Organize the Data Recorded Data – insert a picture of your chart with all your measurements, observations, and my initial on this slide.
IV. Organize the Data Recorded Data – insert a picture of your chart with all your measurements, observations, and my initial on this slide. Ok to use more slide is need. Monday 8/29 Set Up Tuesday 8/30 Data #1 Wednesday 8/31 Data #2 Thursday 9/1 Data #3 Friday 9/2 Data #4 Control Groups Experimental
IV. Organize the Data B. Processed Data – list all formulas used and when they were used.
IV. Organize the Data C. Graph – one graph per slide. Create a bar graph on the germination results of your 4 groups.
IV. Organize the Data C. Graph – one graph per slide. Create a line graph showing the growth of the 4 groups.
IV. Organize the Data C. Graph – one graph per slide. Create a class bar graph to see what house hold ingredient germinated mung beans
You will have a total of 4 graphs. IV. Organize the Data C. Graph – one graph per slide. Create a class bar graph to see the average growth of mung beans for each ingredient. You will have a total of 4 graphs.
Reminder! DO NOT write your conclusion here. Type on Google docs and share it with me at Write using complete sentences. Do not write the questions. Keep at numbers unless it says to combine in a paragraph
V. Conclusion (continued)…Do not write the questions V. Conclusion (continued)…Do not write the questions. Write in complete sentences. Restate the problem that you were solving. State your results. Analyze your results mean? What do your results mean? Did you solve the problem? Explain. What was your hypothesis? Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not? Refer to your experiment and/or data.
V. Conclusion (continued)…Do not write the questions V. Conclusion (continued)…Do not write the questions. Write using complete sentences. G. Complete the following (ok to combine into a paragraph): “Before this experiment, I never knew…” “As a result of this experiment, I learned…” “Because of this experiment, I would like to learn more about…” H. Reflection (ok to combine into a paragraph): What did you think of the activity? What did you enjoy the most? What part of the experiment would you change to improve its validity.