P.Fabbricatore & S.Farinon Status of D2 development P.Fabbricatore & S.Farinon INFN Genova 2D Mechanical design (Stefania presentation) Coil end design (refinement)
New coil ends were developed in the last months with the aim to optimise the lay-out and the integral field quality All poles are wound clockwise The upper pole of the left coil when rotated arounìd the axis of 180° is the lower pole of the rigth coil. Same for upper pole of the lefth coil and lower pole of the right coil. Only two poles shall be built. Coil end with connections
Previous solution with both clockwise and anticlockwise windings
Field harmonics in coil end with connections b3 (black) and a3 (red) components b5 (black) and a5 (red) components
b2 (black) and a2 (red) components
Coil end with no connections
Field harmonics in coil end with no connections b3 (black) and a3 (red) components b5 (black) and a5 (red) components
b2 (black) and a2 (red) components
Conclusions The 3D magnetic design has been refined and we are close to a satisfactory solution We are working now on transferring the Roxie data to a CAD drawing , ANSYS and/or Opera input