TODAY: of the Lamb Chapters 19-20
What is the victory? Jesus returns to set up His kingdom
Nazareth Meddigo Jordan River Sea of Galilee Jezreel Valley of Jezreel Mt. Carmel
What is the victory? Jesus returns to set up His kingdom
The victory is celebrated (1-10) All heaven erupts in praise and worship
Why will heaven rejoice? Religious corruption will be abolished (v.2) Persecution of the faithful will be avenged (v.2) God alone will receive the worship He deserves (5-6) The Bride will be presented to the Lamb (7-10)
The victory is centered around Christ (11-16) “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” v.10 Christ’s coming is the focus of Bible prophecy
The vision of the coming conqueror (v.11) The mission of the coming conqueror (v.11) The glory of the coming conqueror (v.12-16) His deity, His incarnation, His sovereign rule (‘King of kings and Lord of lords’)
The victory is complete By His overcoming mankind’s rebellion (v.17-21) By His overcoming Satan (ch. 20)
Oh blessed Lamb once slain Will reign for evermore… He is Lord