Innovative public procurement for E-inclusion in Trentino province Projects and ideas in context Fausto Giunchiglia Dept. of Information and Communication Technology University of Trento Povo, 38100 Trento, Italy,
Trentino province Social background Economic background High level of social coesion and solidarity High investments in learning and education 6,2% of GDP; 4,7% in Italy* High level of quality of life and security standards Demographic structure unbalanced towards elderly people Old-age dependency ratio = 120* Economic background High GDP/capita 111,7% of EU15* Strong welfare systems 5,8 times Italian expenses/capita ** Growing investments in research and innovation Half Italian expenses/Pil in 2000; 1,5 times Italian expenses in 2005 (about 3,5% of GDP)* Strong economic tissue of SME and “family enterprises” spread among the territory Territorial background Strong reputation of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento as a leading autorithy Low population density in mountain areas and isolation risk About one third (70/skm) of Italy; without Trento town much lower (60/skm) Strong investment in infrastructures (e.g. broadband technologies) About 120 M€ until 2010 for broadband technologies *Source PAT ** Source ACLI
Technology assets of Trentino Almost 800 researchers in ICT in Trentino Public and private research centres Università di Trento IRST Graphitech (Fraunhofer) CreateNet Centro Ricerche Fiat CNR Microsoft Research Centre Several research projects conducted in the following areas Data mining and learning systems Distributed systems and service oriented computing Electronic sensors and microsystems Embedded systems and pervasive computing Human Computer Interaction Information and knowledge management Pattern recognition and remote sensing Process management and web services Software engineering and formal methods Involvment in EU technology platforms Nessi Artemis
Innovation management: the tripole Domain expertise pole Innovation as an enabling factor for convergence of actors Market and production pole Knowledge pole Domain governance and program management
Ongoing e-inclusion innovation projects in Trentino: E-welfare programme Interoperability and service infrastructure Province of Trento Domain Domain of other welfare local institutions Welfare companies Communication Other institutions Auditors Portal Domotics Telecare Social Patient Records Administrative Tools Young care assistance Mobility Immigration Validation of private structures Real estate Care structures Third sector Monitoring, control and governance Administration Social Accountability Event driven Mgmt Identity Management Security Semantic techn. Catologues Health Finance Work Education Transports
Ongoing e-inclusion innovation projects in Trentino: CASALPINA project Interoperability and service infrastructure Province of Trento Domain Domain of other welfare local institutions Welfare companies Communication Other institutions Auditors Portal Domotics Telecare Social Patient Records Administrative Tools Young care assistance Mobility Immigration Validation of private structures Real estate Care structures Third sector Monitoring, control and governance Administration Social Accountability Event driven Mgmt Identity Management Security Semantic techn. Catologues Health Finance Work Education Transports Event-driven Business Intelligence Information Integration Service Oriented Architectures for integration of welfare areas Event-driven architecture Semantic Interoperability
Innovation in CASALPINA: an open public administration Involvement of public institutions, research centers, private companies Institutions involved with different political competencies (Provincia di Trento, Comune di Trento, Health Agency of Trentino) Three different local research centers (IRST, University of Trento, CNR) Three local private companies (two in semantic technologies, one in SOA technologies) Competence and knowledge sharing for an “open” public administration The domain experts of the administration share their knowledge with technology experts from research environment The companies grow and engineer products competing on the market
Usable Interface design Research in Casalpina - 1: Service oriented architectures for managing integrated health and care services Web Services stack of standards and self- management of services Management and monitoring of services Service engineering Service governance Expert team Composition and aggregation of services Design principles for services Autonomic and business driven composition of services Service interaction and control Business process execution Back office Service User Service oriented middleware and basic functions Open standards reference architectures with dynamic reconfiguration Message backbone Security Solutions Data and Process integration Caregivers Usable Interface design Note: big issue of inter-institution business process re-engineering
Research in Casalpina - 2: Knowledge management and semantic interoperability for health and care services Adaptive systems Automatic knowledge processing for automated diagnosis and problem solving Structured data and information Integrated social and health DB Service governance Management and monitoring of services Computer tractable knowledge Service engineering Advanced knowledge management and semantics techniques Data and Process integration Expert team Social assistants repositories Caregivers Unstructured data and information Field Caregivers P2P networks Note: big issue of agreement on terminology (semantic heterogeneity)
Project idea for CIP Integration of domotics and telecare systems with a service oriented architecture
Domain context: the social care processes Caregivers Families General practitioners Public Administration Service Center Health experts Elderly people at home Care Residences Third sector
E-welfare architectural context Province of Trento Domain Catologues Monitoring, control and governance Semantic techn. Communication Validation of private structures Immigration Mobility Real estate Care structures Third sector Interoperability and service infrastructure Portal Security Domain of other welfare local institutions Domotics Telecare Social Patient Records Administrative Tools Young care assistance Identity Management Welfare companies Event driven Mgmt Administration Social Accountability Auditors Other institutions Health Finance Work Education Transports
Human activity recognition Research in Casalpina - future: Adaptive solutions for caring the elderly at home Enable Integrated social and health DB Expert team Configuration platform Receive information Execution Platform Process engine Computer generation and verification of hardware and software systems Pattern recognizer Complex databases exploiting service oriented computing and semantic interoperability Caregivers Human activity recognition Event detector RTOS & Middleware Sensors Elderly people Ad hoc networking and sensor data fusion Human Computer Interaction and affective computing Interactive Tv, console, home platform ecc. Note: 2 years ago first experimentations in domotics; Big configuration issue, big process reengineering issue
Integration architecture Web Services stack of standards and self- management of services Management and monitoring of services Service engineering Service governance Expert team Composition and aggregation of services Design principles for services Autonomic and business driven composition of services Service interaction and control Business process execution Back office Service User Service oriented middleware and basic functions Message backbone Security Solutions Data and Process integration Caregivers Domotic home Usable Interface design Internet
Innovative public procurement for E-inclusion in Trentino province THANK YOU!