Procurement Hub Partners Sales and Marketing Services
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Outline of fee based Sales and Marketing package This guide outlines the range of marketing and sales activities provided by the Procurement team, in exchange for an annual marketing services fee of £5000. Suppliers that are successful in tendering for four year framework contracts, are required to pay the annual sales and marketing fee, at the start of each year of the contract period. Alternatively, suppliers can benefit from a reduced fee of £15,000, should they prefer to pay in full at the start of the 4 year contract period (effectively four years of sales and marketing support, for the cost of three) Ongoing Marketing and Framework launch plans have been developed to provide flexible and appropriate solutions, and will include a selection of the sales and marketing activities outlined in this document All suppliers are provided with a Procurement Hub client list, containing contact details for relevant clients on the framework agreement (new client details can be provided when available)
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Account Management Team The Procurement Team provides a full account management service to record, qualify and convert business leads to framework clients In addition, framework suppliers can also benefit from the support of an in-house, full service Marketing agency that provides Procurement Hub with: Strategic Marketing consultancy Multi channel campaign management and delivery PR and social media planning Lead generation activities Creative and literature development Content marketing (including the production of photography and video)
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Website Promotion The Procurement Hub website provides a dedicated area for each supplier framework , with the opportunity to include links to their own websites Relevant news and information, provided by supplier companies, can also be included on the relevant area of the Procurement Hub website Example taken from Builders Merchants framework webpage
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Framework Launch Package To support the launch of each framework agreement, Procurement Hub implement a co-ordinated, multichannel campaign of marketing activities to raise awareness of the offer, and generate sales leads and prospects Launch activities include a combination of owned and paid media: Owned Paid Email Print adverts Blog content Display Website (mobile optimised) Third party subscriber emails Social media Direct mail Literature (sales support, PR activity award summary reports) Trade conferences
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Owned Media Activity (email) Email (blog article) There are over 3,000 email subscribers on the Procurement Hub database Plus … we have access to an additional 4,500 local authority housing and procurement contacts Example – prior to our framework launches at the 2016 Chartered Institute of Housing Conference, a total of 30k emails were broadcast promoting our products and framework suppliers Email (framework launch)
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Owned Media Activity (social media) Ongoing promotion of our new and existing frameworks, suppliers and thought leader articles through Procurement Hub’s social media channels The Procurement Hub Twitter account has 450+ followers, whilst Linked IN has 100+ (and all tweets and social communications are retweeted through the Places for People accounts, with over 8k followers on Twitter and almost 6k on Linked IN) Example – in May / June 2016, Procurement Hub generated 53,000 social media impressions, and almost 1,000 engagements from followers
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Owned Media Activity (support literature) All framework suppliers are provided with access to print literature (framework award summary reports, framework sales leaflets etc) Supplier details (logo and descriptions) are included in the literature Print copies and digital versions are made available to all suppliers on the framework
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Ocean Media relationship) Through our relationship with the Ocean Media publishing group, Procurement Hub can access a variety of broadcast opportunities to target senior procurement professionals across the housing and local authority sectors. These channels are used for both the launch of new frameworks and ongoing promotion (lead generation)
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Ocean Media relationship) - Weekly publication - Circulation 25k - Readership 80k - Website monthly audience of 200k unique visitors, viewing over 2 million pages - Monthly publication - Circulation 1.2k (CEOs, Directors) - Weekly online newsletter 17k - The largest housing focused event in Europe - Attended by housing associations, local authorities, housebuilders, funders, contractors and advisors - Attracts over 8k exhibitors, delegates and visitors every year
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Press Advertising)
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Press Advertising) All new framework launches have previously been supported by a full page colour press advert in Inside Housing magazine (normal rate card cost is over £3k) All adverts are created by the Procurement Hub account management team and, where possible, will include the framework suppliers brand logo All press advertising is designed to encourage a ‘direct response’ from the customer (prospect), either to the Procurement Hub website or to the dedicated administration team (by phone)
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Website Banners Placements and Third Party Supplier Emails) As part of the multi-channel approach to marketing our framework launches, Procurement Hub use website banner adverts to promote the offer, and drive visitors to the website (100k impressions on the Inside Housing and Social Housing websites) From an overall email database of over 80k subscribers, this activity has generated significant awareness (literature and joining requests) of previous framework launches Website banners Email
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Direct Mail) With access to over 7k procurement specialists across the local authority and housing registered provider sectors, direct mail activity is an effective and impactful way if promoting the Procurement Hub offer. This is, in comparison to other lower cost communication channels, a more expensive activity, but could be considered for specific framework launches and to promote supplier interests In addition, our in-house team is experienced in following up the mailing with outbound calls to generate framework leads
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Public Relations) Working with our PR team, Procurement Hub develop editorial and thought leadership features to support the launch of new frameworks, and promote existing solutions We encourage our framework partners to contribute their own content (sector news, product launches etc), for us to generate additional awareness and consideration of the offer
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Trade Conferences) Chartered Institute of Housing Conference 2016
Procurement Hub - Sales and Marketing Services Paid Media Activity (Trade Conferences) Three new supplier frameworks were officially launched at the Chartered Institute of Housing Conference 2016, and our strategy is to maintain a presence at exhibitions that attract a relevant audience of decision makers There is an opportunity to discuss and agree supplier representation at the conference where Procurement are exhibiting (this will need to be considered alongside relationships that we have in place with conference organisers) The following video provides an overview of our attendance at the 2016 CIH conference