Mrs. Lambeth ELA – 8 Rogich Middle School
“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” - John Wooden 8th Grade Shared Vision John Wooden an American basketball coach that led his players and team to 10 national championships in 12 years. Students have complete control of their success The quality of their effort is up to the student Be able to hold your head high because you made the effort to do your best
Course Objective This course is designed to: build on knowledge and skills through close reading of texts combining elements of different kinds of writing in support of analysis and reflection participate in comprehensive class discussions
What does 8th grade ELA look like? To read and analyze a wide variety of complex text To respond, reflect, or analyze in writing or speaking with a focus on: how an author develops text structure, style and development of key concepts, identifying relevance and sufficiency of evidence, the way in which the writer or speaker uses structure, word choice, and syntax to make points clear, convincing, and engaging To demonstrate a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking To support ideas by conducting short research projects, gathering relevant information, and generating related, focused ideas from multiple print and digital sources to use as evidence whether writing or speaking To synthesize information from multiple resources in support of a thesis/claim, use quotes or paraphrase data accurately, and follow a standard form for citations To analyze the elements of text, selected from a range of eighth grade text literary and informational exemplars, to understand how authors use structure, word choice, and point of view to develop theme or main idea, create drama, and advance the meaning or style of a text To analyze the purposes and characteristics of the major genres of texts Course expectations are adapted from the Nevada Academic Content Standards which are based on the Common Core Standards.
Essential Questions: 1st quarter – The Challenge of Heroism What defines a hero? Why do we conform? 2nd quarter – The Challenge of Heroism With all the diversity of society is conformity worth considering? What do you consider to be a perfect society? Have you ever stopped to think about what life would be like if everything was planned for you and you were never able to make your own decisions? 3rd quarter – Reflecting on Challenges What are the dangers of conformity? What is the relationship between our stories and our identity? To what extent are we all witnesses of history and messengers to humanity? 4th quarter – Voice and Challenges How can one person make a difference when encountering a social challenge? How do people communicate effectively? 10 essential questions were planned this year to challenge students and guide our discussion and learning. All questions are based on the hero theme.
Types of Reading/Writing Assignments Text analysis Quarterly literature projects and Literature Circles—Reading Quest Close reading/writing of literary and nonliterary text Word study—word origin of words, content/academic vocabulary, Latin/Greek roots and prefixes Independent reading practice Persuasive/Expository/Narrative reading and writing Class novels Grammar skill practice Diagramming
Why Can’t I Skip My 20 Minutes of Reading Tonight?
Enrichment Reading Program All students will participate 8th GRADE - Reading Quest Quarterly book project Points are earned upon completion of a book project and Literature Circle assignments Students read 1 book per quarter
Please have the following items every day! pencils and pens 3- subject spiral notebook with pockets highlighters writing paper (loose-leaf) red pen/colored pencils (1) package of notecards Chromebook charged and ready to learn Optional classroom items: Kleenex tissues, papertowel copy paper hand sanitizer dry eraser markers glue sticky notes Clorox wipes
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