English B60 Conclusions
Structure Your conclusion should have three distinct parts: A re-statement of your thesis statement, in new words. A brief summary of your major supporting points. Emphasis of the issue at hand—why should your readers care about this issue? This is the “so what” question. Your conclusion should NOT include Any new evidence or information in support of your thesis.
Practice Imagine you have written an essay advocating for more restrictions on gun ownership (more thorough background checks, longer waiting periods, etc.). First, write down a thesis statement advocating this position. While the second amendment protects citizens’ rights to gun ownership, we must treat weapons with the caution they deserve.
Summary Then, come up with at least two reasons why you think this is a good idea, and briefly summarize those reasons. Accidental deaths, especially of small children, indicate that the average gun owner is not well educated on proper use and storage of weapons. In addition, mental health problems, which plague millions of Americans, are not adequately screened for during background checks.
“So What?” Then, think of an answer to the “so what” question and end with your emphasis. We have little to lose and so much to gain in applying more stringent regulation on gun ownership; the life saved might be your own.
Example While the second amendment protects citizens’ rights to gun ownership, we must treat weapons with the caution they deserve. Accidental deaths, especially of small children, indicate that the average gun owner is not well educated on proper use and storage of weapons. In addition, mental health problems, which plague millions of Americans, are not adequately screened for during background checks. We have little to lose and so much to gain in applying more stringent regulation on gun ownership; the life saved might be your own.