California ISO’s CIM Based Model Management Ankit Mishra, Charlie Mogannam, Hani Alarian
California ISO by the numbers 71,548 MW of power plant capacity (installed capacity) 50,270 MW record peak demand (July 24, 2006) 27,488 market transactions per day (2015) 25,622 circuit-miles of transmission lines 30 million people served 237 million megawatt-hours of electricity delivered annually (2015) As of March 2017
The Motivation behind CIM Improve reliability and situational awareness in RT tools Improve cycle time on the network model update processes Improve reliability data integration Facilitate market integration
EIM entity map The western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) is a real-time wholesale energy trading market that enables participants anywhere in the West to buy and sell energy when needed.
Legacy Process
CIM Based Processes
Model Expansion
Network Applications Load Generation Interchange
Considerations Technology to process CIM Files (directly or indirectly) Creating a “standard” layer on top of the standard (leveraging profiles) Validating external entity’s CIM model in non-production environment (SCADA and Network Applications) CIM is an enabler to meet the business objective Flexibility in implementation of the standard Localize and limit software changes to control costs Encourage vendors to implement changes in the base software