Undergrad (UG)s committee David Feil-Seifer (also on college committee) Monica Nicolescu Ming Li Lei Yang Dongfang Zhao Sushil Louis (Chair)
Including these slides Undergrad committee http://www.cse.unr.edu/~sushil/admin/ugrad/ Including these slides
Agenda New “C or better” in all required courses needs “gradual” updates to course descriptions (DFS) Change prereqs to require C or better CPE301, CS302 all dependencies say C or better Tech electives up to instructor to change catalog desc. EBME is fine with CPE301 needing C or better Add courses to Minor in Unmanned Autonomous Systems (?) Kostas give us your plan and we will forward to CCCC Manufacturing Quality/Product Excellence Premature? Ask Dept. then tell CCCC What is the criteria for including courses in the minor list?
Agenda Silver core reverification (MN) CS105 and CIT128 at TMCC (ML) Send ML the email from TMCC Ming Li will email Michael to get the justification docs for 105 being in the core Stat 352 or Stat 461 (DFS) Ugrad committee votes unanimously to enable this Correlate course syllabi with ABET requirements for SLOs and accreditation (MN) Check with GB about core issues with SLOs Advising FAQ Computing for all for all (CO9) – CS105 satisfies C11 Computing for Engineers Computing for grad students Excellence in Teaching Plan (SL)
New MATH 127 (Monica) UAS Minor (revamp) MQ/PE Minor (revamp) Course Frequencies Summer Classes Nevada Teach Math 301 / CS 365 Academic Integrity