The European Statistical Training Programme (ESTP) European Statistical week, a study visit to Eurostat Tim ALLEN Eurostat Press Office Luxembourg, 13-17 October 2014
The Eurostat Press Office Issues News Releases Provides media and institutional support
News Releases 200+ News Releases per year 140+ euroindicators 60+ ad-hoc In English, German & French Cover EU, EA, Member States Where possible Candidates, EFTA, US, Japan…
Euro-indicators Monthly Quarterly Flash inflation Inflation (HICP) Unemployment External trade Industrial production Industrial producer prices Production in construction Retail trade Quarterly GDP (flash, 2nd) Current account (1st, 2nd) Quarterly sectoral accounts (Households and Business) Government debt Government deficit House prices Employment Labour cost Job vacancy rate Public Deficit & Debt – April & October
Ad-hocs Annual GDP per capita (national & regional) Foreign Direct Investments International Trade in Services Taxation trends Population Events EU summits with China, US, Russia… Women’s Day Major publications Yearbook Regional Yearbook Real Ad-hoc Europe 2020 Healthy Life Years
Dissemination of News Releases Sent at 11:00 by e-mail to more than 2000 journalists Available at 11:00 on the Eurostat web site Tweeted at 11:00 by @EU_Eurostat Authors and Press Office available by phone and email May be commented in daily Press Conference in Brussels
Release calendar Includes Euroindicators Available on the Eurostat web site Provisional calendar for current year New year usually available at beginning October Dates confirmed Friday before publication week also ad-hocs for coming week Disseminated by e-mail to journalists
Eurostat Media and Institutional Support Specialised support for media… …and for staff of international organisations Receives around 3 000 requests per year Requests are dealt with as rapidly as possible
Things we don’t do… Eurobarometer (DG Comm) Business/consumer confidence (DG Ecfin) EU budget figures (DG Budget, DG Regio) Tax rates (DG Taxud)
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