Weight and mass T.H. The Professional Development Service for Teachers is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Weight and mass T.H. The Professional Development Service for Teachers is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan

What units are used by this weighing scale? PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 2

The scale on the left uses newtons The scale on the left uses newtons. The scale on the right uses kilograms (in red) and stones (in black). Compare the readings. PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 3

Newtons are much smaller than kilograms Newtons are much smaller than kilograms. How many newtons are there in a kilogram? PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 4

It depends what planet you’re on! On the moon, 1 kg has a weight of only 1.6 N On earth, 1 kg has a weight of 9.8 N PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 5

On Earth Sean reads 69 kg or 676 N. PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 6

On the moon, Sean would still have a mass of 69 kg, but his weight would be only 110 N. So, one way to lose weight is to go to the moon. PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 7

Is mass the same as weight? What’s your opinion? Can you think of any differences between the two quantities? PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 8

Mass and weight The weight of an object is due to the force of gravity acting on it. It is measured in newtons. A body’s weight can change depending on whether it’s on earth, the moon, mars and so on. Mass is measured in kilograms. According to one definition, it is a measure of the resistance of a body to motion. Unlike your weight, your mass won’t change if you move to another planet. PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 9

W = mg Weight = mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity Jane has a mass of 58 kg. Find her weight on each of the following: Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Sun g / m s–2 9.8 1.6 3.71 25.95 274.13 PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 10

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A Final Question Is g = 9.8 m s–2 everywhere on earth? PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 12

Answer No. Comparing cities, it is lowest in Mexico City (9.779 m s–2) and highest in Oslo (Norway) and Helsinki (Finland) (9.819 m s–2). Standard gravity, or standard acceleration due to free fall, usually denoted by g0 or gn, is the nominal acceleration of body in a vacuum near the surface of the earth. It is defined to be precisely 9.80665 m s–2. PDST Resources for Leaving Certificate Physics 13