1) Antiquity (n)– ancient times; a thing or people of ancient times 10th Vocab. Week 2 1) Antiquity (n)– ancient times; a thing or people of ancient times The records of antiquity indicate the continents were once a giant land mass called Pangea.
2) Heresy (n)– a belief different from accepted doctrine Heresy in our church has led to a huge disagreement between members of our congregation.
3) Analogy (n)– a likeness between different things; a comparison My dad can use cars to create an analogy for almost anything.
4) Bayou (n) – a marshy inlet or outlet of a river or lake, especially in the southern U.S. New Orleans is known for their bayous
5) Indomitable (adj) – unconquerable; unyielding; not easily overcome Even when my father was stricken with cancer, he remained an indomitable force who never stopped fighting.
6) Malleable (adj) – capable of being shaped by hammering; having the capacity to be changed easily It is believed dogs are very malleable when they are puppies.
7) Melodramatic (adj) – overly dramatic; emotional; sentimental I can't stand melodramatic movies because they are so cheesy.
8) Visage (n) – a face or facial expression; an appearance Ms 8) Visage (n) – a face or facial expression; an appearance Ms. Bourne walked in with a angry visage and we knew it was going to be a bad day.
9) Whimsical (adj)– full of curious ideas or notions; odd in an amusing way My uncle was so whimsical that we could go to church then catch a flight to Africa.
10) Judicious (adj) – showing good judgement; wise and careful It was very judicious of the man to take extra water on the hike.