LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to… Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A*
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* Task: Once you have written Your title and date… What does this Picture suggest About the role and Impact of the Zemstva? A Zemstvo in operation, by Truvolsky.
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* So what were the key changes in Local government? 1864 The Zemstvos First elected local governments 3 set of voters. A way to give back power to nobles after Emancipation. Local, Provincial and Urban councils Chaired by regional and provincial nobles Wealthy and titled had more voting power Highest tax payers had more say. Not to discuss politics! Outlet for political hope and discussion… Zemstvos intended to support Tsarism By improving administration. Land Captains 1889 2,200 districts had a captain Appointed directly by ministry Of interior. Land Captain had to have 540 Acres of land and degree. Could cancel peasant decisions, Arrest without trial Appointed the Volost courts, Previously appointed by peasants. Monitoried the Intelligentsia “Third Element” (Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers) Progress? Schools and hospitals Built. (40,000) Operated in 43 of 93 Regions. Dissolved by SOVNARKOM In January 1918 Stolypin attempts to broaden Powers in 1911. 1890 Zemstvo Restrictions Executive boards become local government officials. Electorate reduced 13,000 have voting rights taken away in Moscow Assemblies met, but as part of the government, Rather than as forums for criticism or control. Subordinated to governors + Ministry of Interior (led by Durnovo and influenced by Pobedonostsev)
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* Did status change in the Soviet period? The Soviets Zemstva and Duma declared to be bourgeois and counter-revolutionary Soviets crucial part of Democratic Centralism. First setup in 1905 in St Petersburg. Coordinated strikes and workers rights. Most councils influenced by the SD and SRs. By 1917 did it control Russia more than the Provisional Government? Provisional Government has little influence beyond St Petersburg. Local communist party and therefore Soviets, dominated by Central Communist Party. Soviets existed to ratify and enforce central government policy, this was Enforced by 1936 Soviet Constitution. Oversaw collective farm regulation and agricultural affairs. Soviets aimed to represent, 'the moral and political unity of the Soviet people under the leadership of the Communist Party.’ Membership mainly local party intellectuals until 1945, later comprised more Of manual workers and peasants. Sovnarkhoz set up by Khrushchev to combat centralism. By end of period extensive bureaucracy and many stages of government From village, raion, oblast, republic and central government itself.
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* So how would we approach the nature of rule in an essay now? “The Nature of Russian Government was changed more by Stalin than any other leader 1855-1964” How far do you Agree? So….what are our key areas of debate?
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964
LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964 Describe key features of local government E-D Explain their impact upon communities C-B Judge the extent of true power they had. A-A* LO: To assess changes to Local Government 1855-1964