7 Things You Can Do To Better Understand What You Read Reading Strategies 7 Things You Can Do To Better Understand What You Read
Monitoring Comprehension Actively check in on yourself to make sure you’re understanding the reading. Tip: Ask yourself, “what just happened on that page (or in that chapter)?” If you can answer that question, you’re on the right track If you can’t answer that question, go back and re-read that section.
Visualizing When you’re reading, you should be seeing a mental picture of the characters and events.
Connecting Make connections between what you are reading to your own life and experiences
Questioning Ask yourself questions while reading such as: what will happen next? what is the character’s motivations? who will impact the plot next?
Make predictions, hypotheses, interpretations, and draw conclusions Inferring Make predictions, hypotheses, interpretations, and draw conclusions
Determining importance Make judgements and evaluations about the characters and their actions
Summarize or Retell what just happened Synthesizing Summarize or Retell what just happened