Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
Figure 2, page 87
Why is fragmentation bad? Fragmentation of ecosystems reduces their sustainability. In a fragmented ecosystem, a larger area of the habitat is exposed to damaging outside influences (such as pollution)
How can we enhance ecosystem sustainability? Create a chart on a piece of paper as we explore each habitat option!
size Better choice: Poor choice: Large blocks support larger and more stable populations and communities.
number Better choice: Poor choice: One large area is better than an equal area of smaller areas because there is less outside inflience
proximity Better choice: Poor choice: The closer the ecosystem fragments are to each other, the greater the chance populations will be able to use the entire area.
connectedness Better choice: Poor choice: Interconnected areas provide wildlife corridors and permit migration between larger blocks.
Seems funny, but there might be a message here… Deer crossing video
integrity Poor choice Better choice Access by roads and trails can increase pollution, hunting, and fishing