Treating Leukemia in Youths Zachary Smith and Theren Williams University of Michigan – Dearborn BACKGROUND METHODS RESULTS CONCLUSIONS National Cancer Institute SEER (1973-2014) Leukemia: cancer of the blood cell 3.5% of new cancer diagnoses 29% of new childhood cancer diagnoses 18,059 patients diagnosed between years 1973 and 2014 and from areas within the United States Contains primary sites in Leukemia and Hodgkin Lymphoma primarily Youth: ages 0 to 19 years old at diagnosis First 5 Years’ Survival Probability Analysis Probability of surviving 5 years after diagnosis (given treatment, age, etc.) Unreplicated Factorial Design with Type III ANOVA Survival Analysis Kaplan-Meier Survival Model Cox Proportional Hazard Model Chemotherapy significantly increases survival probability. Not all treatments were significant. Radiation alone was not significant. Chemotherapy alone had higher survival than radiation alone. Both treatments were not significantly higher in survival than either treatment alone. Age Group is significant. Ages 0-4 and 5-9 had higher survival probability (Leukemia Only). Patients of 10 years or older showed higher survival probability when treated by radiation (All Patients). Time period diagnosed is significant. Recent years have better survival. CoxPH with All (Base: Neither Treatment) Chemotherapy and Radiation significantly increase probability of surviving when given separately. Whereas, when given together it showed significantly lower survival. CoxPH with Leukemia Patients Only Chemotherapy showed significantly higher survival probability compared to Radiation and Both treatments. ACKNOWLEDGMENT UM-Dearborn scholar grant Advisors: Keshav Pokhrel and Taysseer Sharaf REFERENCES NCI. "SEER Data & Software." National Cancer Institute, Nov. 2016, Accessed 3 Jan. 2018. CTCA. "Leukemia." Cancer Treatment Centers of America, 22 Feb. 2017, Accessed 2 Feb. 2018. American Cancer Society, . "Cancer Facts & Figures 2018." American Cancer Society, 2018. Accessed 30 Apr. 2018