Which are the main disaster risk faced in relation to natural hazard by your Cities and communites City of Dubrovnik covers an area of 143,35 km2 Length (east-west) 20,5 km Inhabitants 42.961 Main disaster risks: earthquakes and fires Dubrovnik fire brigade has: 87 professional firefighters 10 voluntary groups with 100 trained volunteer firefighters Old town area is 13,38 hectares Problems : narrow streets, only 2 entrances/exits, a lot of tourists during the tourist season.
What are the prevention and risk reduction measures adopted by your local Administration to mitigate the impact of disasters
Administration to mitigate the impact of disasters What are the prevention and risk reduction measures adopted by your local Administration to mitigate the impact of disasters 90 % area of City of Dubrovnik is covered with video surveillance Cooperation with the sister City of Bad Homburg in Germany Cooperation with the County of Ravno in Bosnia and Herzegovina Dubrovnik