ហ៊ែល Sua S’dei
“Good advising may be the single most underestimated characteristic of a successful college experience.” – Light, R (2001). The Mentor
“The majority of our students come to us with the expectation of earning a degree. While they have to work hard and do their part, we owe it to every single student to give them the best we have and help them persist to graduation.” NIMOL In Dr. Horrell’s recent State of the Campus address, she highlighted last year’s enrollment: over 14,000 students were enrolled. By the end of the academic year we graduated just over 3000 of those students. An additional 3000 students did not return this fall. Let’s talk about those additional 3000? Who are they? Why did they leave? Could we have done more to help them stay? Chancellor Dorothy Horrell State of the Campus Address, 2017
The good stuff Academic Advising Administrators’ Council Chancellor’s Action Group on Advising Standardized University-wide Policies and Processes Guided Pathways Student Success Collaborative Technology NIMOL: AAAC NIMOL: Chancellor’s Group ANGIE: Guided Pathways ANGIE: SSC NIMOL: Standardized Polices and Processes Specific Examples: Common Degree Maps Near Graduation Efforts Post-Advising Survey Streamlined Communications
And, there’s more work to be done. We still need to talk about: 1. what are the best ways to improve the advising student experience. 2. How might other staff and faculty be better partners with advisors 2. How can we personally and collectively demonstrate our commitment to dramatically improve student retention? And some of these may be difficulty conversations. They may force us to take a hard look at our current practice and invite us to imagine the possibilities of change. And that ‘s what we can talk about this afternoon in our table session. But right now this moment. All we need you to recognize is
You have the potential to become the reason why students stay.