PILOT PROJECT IN MOJKOVAC This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ PILOT PROJECT IN MOJKOVAC
VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO Medieval town Brskovo was mentioned for the first time in the king’s Stefan Prvovenčani Charter to People of Dubrovnik on trade issues, between 1219 and 1228 year. It was the biggest economic centre of the Northern Montenegro in the beginning of 13th century. The town was known by silver coins “Grossi de Breskova” manufactured there.
VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO Alongside with adoption of Green Agenda document archaeological research of the site Gradac, where Brskovo was located, was initiated. During the 2010 the ruins of a fortress were found and revealed, preliminary archaeological research, feasibility study, and mapping of the location finished.
VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO Within the project EU funded project “European Partnership for Local Green Agendas” local authorities and SCOs decided to continue with further preservation and valorisation of this important historical and architectural discovery. The project envisaged the following activities: Design and development of tourist leaflets; Installation of solar power lights.
VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO RESULTS: Arrangement of the archaeological site with energy efficient and environmentally friendly lights;
VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO Raised awareness on cultural and historical heritage of Mojkovac municipality and archaeological tourism; Increased tourist offer of the municipality and increased number of tourist.
VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO This project is financially supported by the IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility: Support to Partnership Actions "Environment, Energy Efficiency, and Health and Safety at Work“ VALORISATION OF MEDIVIAL TOWN BRSKOVO The project was supported by: Milieukontakt International Local self government of Mojkovac municiaplity THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!