Update from Early Education and Support Division (EESD), Quality Improvement Office, and CA-QRIS Cecelia Fisher-Dahms - Administrator of QRIS Improvement Office (left) Sarah Neville-Morgan –New Director of EESD(right)
Sarah Neville-Morgan – Vision for EESD One system to support children, integrating the existing elements and to continue to support quality Focus on supporting brain development and bilingualism Focus on continuous improvement across the field in all settings and at all levels; staying current and challenging professional skills
Q & A about the EESD, QRIS PowerPoint Funding for Permit applications Q. Funding for permit applications generally runs out in March and the contract renewal often doesn’t come until October; blocking applications and impacting the field because of the requirement for hiring and for raises A. There has been a push for local decisions regarding the use of funding. There is a need for a state system of input on the Quality dollars, need to make sure distribution supports equity across CA; existing funds should be used to support quality throughout the state. Local Planning Council can use AB212 to pay for the permits of their participants instead of using CDTC funding. Information sessions coming up to get input on how to improve the relationship between state and local implementation.
Quality Improvement Funds Q. Reimbursement rate for consortium participants in ECE units isn’t meeting the needs of our students – it is too low A. Going forward there will be increases in allocation (Budget Trailer Bill to provide additional $8.8 mill in Quality funding); moving as block grant to local systems – will lead to strategic application of funds to different areas
Early Care and Education Work Force Registry Q. What is going to be Higher- Ed’s role moving forward? To assist with providing additional information about available courses in ECE at the CC level A. By 7/1/2018 all participants in EESD Professional Development will need to Register on the Work Force Registry (single point of entry) CAP will be included in the Registry – listing required 8, considering including the information about which of these courses are also considered GE approved Q. Can the Community Colleges obtain data from the Registry to help support our reports for Strong Work Force, Program Review? A. Possibly, we will explore that option.
Q. How can Higher Ed have more impact in CA initiatives? A. Each QRIS Consortium is required to have a Higher Ed representative, but in some situations it isn’t clear that the full compliment of constituents are being represented as stand alone representatives vs. serving multiple roles on the same committee Going to create a meeting platform for inviting and letting people know when meetings are occurring; need to attempt to try and delineate more clearly who needs to be represented at these meetings so that CC students are clearly represented.
Update on Transforming the Workforce California Early Childhood Workforce Career Lattice – Educational Requirements – 7 levels – including trainings and ECE units – mirroring the permit up to a Bachelor’s degree Input will be welcomed from the field of the draft Priority Area 3 – Higher Ed component – survey was sent out, meeting coming up on 10/1 https://www.nap.edu/catalog/19401/transforming-the-workforce-for-children-birth-through-age-8-a
http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/rm/ CA ESL Roadmap – adopted a roadmap for CA to become a bilingual/international model for bilingual education Get rid of Prop 227 - The English in Public Schools Initiative and replace it with Proposition 58 - Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education (2016) legislation to support multilingualism Focus on bi-literacy and brain development - Provide access in preschool through primary grade system Members of the Roadmap group www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/rm