Healthy Dating Relationships and Abstinence
What is Healthy Dating? Dating that is safe and enjoyable for both people. A mutually respectful, equal relationship. A chance to communicate with respect and affection. An opportunity to share interests with another person.
Health Dating is Also… A way to see what long-term relationships might be like. Free of any pressure to have sex or behave dangerously. Using good judgment about safety, sex, and your individual rights. Sometimes going on group dates to avoid awkwardness and to stay safe.
What Healthy Dating is NOT! Healthy dating is not coercive or forced. Its not about being pressured into having sex. Its not about taking dangerous risks, using drugs or alcohol or going along with the popular crowd. Healthy dating is not about rape or violence.
What is abstinence and what are the benefits of practicing abstinence? People define abstinence differently according to their beliefs and values, but most agree that abstinence means not having sex. For some people this means no sexual activity of any kind including oral, anal and vaginal sex. For this discussion, this is the definition of abstinence we will use. Choosing to abstain can protect you from negative consequences of sex including unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, single parenthood, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.
Making Choices and Practicing Abstinence Making choices about whether or not to engage in sexual activity should involve an evaluation of your goals and priorities and how your decisions about having sex could affect these. How can what you do now affect what you want to do in the future? For example, how would having a baby while in high school affect your ability to go to college? If you choose to practice abstinence, you should set limits on how you want to express affection that demonstrates your values and does not go beyond your comfort level. Talk to your partner about your feelings and limits.