Current & Pending Support Lex Bunten & Anna Korossy
Now that I have the report on my SeRA screen, what can I do with it?
Current & Pending Support Report This is what you CAN’T do with it Download into Word or Excel to edit Print out as a decent-looking document Save as a decent-looking PDF file Edit right there in SeRA Copy and paste into Word This is what you CAN Do with it
Tips & Tricks: Paste into Word Paste into a new Word doc Click “Insert” Tab Click “Table” on ribbon Click “Convert Text to Table” Add solid borders to entire table Voila! This isn’t half bad… Anybody have any other ideas?
More tips: Person-mo Conversion Convert % FTE (SU approach) to person-mos (NSF & other sponsors e.g. DoD preferred): General calculation: % FTE x # of mos = person-mos AY = % FTE x 9 mos = AY person-mos Summer = % FTE x 3 mos = Summer person-mos
More tips: Other Support “Clean-up” Your SeRA Other Support Report might still list a lot of “old”, unawarded proposals: You can continue to remove these manually better yet, send an e-mail to and request the old pending proposals be “rejected”, i.e., removed (incl SPO #s in request).
PI effort Overcommitment My cleaned-up Other Support report shows my PI is way over-committed PI has proposed or committed to work more than 100% FTE either in the AY or Summer, or both What to do? Is this OK?
One Final Note SeRA Team is working on the Other Support Report General Format that we often use This is the time to send in your improvement ideas, update requests, fixes, etc. They want to hear from us. Put in a HelpSU with your ideas: Category Administrative Applications; Type SeRA