Design of a High Performance PlanetLab Node: Line Card John DeHart
Revision History 6/27/06 (JDD): Created from Diversified Router version
Overview Heavy emphasis in these slides is on Phase 0 In fact we might view it as Phase 0.0: with external GE Switch in place of Switch Blade Phase 0.5: if we get the switch blade in time to incorporate it. Probable hardware configuration: 1 NP Blade for LC 1 NP Blade for NPE 1 GP Blade External GE Switch Possible additions: 1 Switch Blade in place of external switch 1 NP Blade for a second NPE On LC, I think we can view this as another Substrate Link Type No Substrate Headers used internally or externally All packets/frames are IP packets in Ethernet Frames External LC GPE, GPE LC LC NPE, NPE LC NPE GPE, GPE NPE MN Internal Header still used between MPEs Static Shared NP implementation of MRs. Limited, predefined MR code options Statically loaded Different MR slices run the same code, just use different Filters in Lookup table. Queuing is slightly different on each system (LC_Ingress, LC_Egress, NPE) What about ARP?
System View … exception packets use internal port numbers slice pkt GPE exception packets use internal port numbers VS VS NPE … slice pkt IPH MN-H Kernel/VNET Switch LC Default filter directs packet to GPE Filter directs packet to NPE IPH IPH daddr= nextNode daddr= thisNode IPH IPH daddr= nextNode slice pkt slice pkt slice pkt slice pkt daddr= thisNode
System View: External Switch PLC GPE Switch / 5 1Gb / 1 1Gb Net LC R T M / 1 1Gb R T M NPUA / 5 1Gb Local Host x4 / 4 1Gb NPUB / 5 1Gb How many GE Interfaces can we connect to external switch from GPE? 2 available on front panel 1 for LC to/from GPE and 1 for NPE to/from GPE?
System View: Switch Blade PLC GPE Switch Blade / 2 1Gb Net R T M LC / 1 1Gb / 1 10Gb NPE-1 / 1 10Gb Local Host x4 / 9 1Gb How many GE Interfaces can we use to switch blade from GPE? 2 available on fabric 1 for LC to/from GPE and 1 for NPE to/from GPE? NPE-2 / 1 10Gb
PlanetLab Ingress LC Input Frame New PlanetLab Substrate Link Type: Configured SL Type LC is told at boot/init time that this is its one and only SL Type. Similar to the way P2P-DC is handled. SL Type: 0101b Port: May be a don’t care IP DAddr: Verifies that packet is for our node IP Proto = UDP Could be a UDP tunnel to a slice UDP DPort: Indicates which slice Default route is to the GPE Key = SL=0101b Port: May be a don’t care. IP DAddr = our node address DstAddr (6B) DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Ethernet Header SrcAddr (6B) Type=802.1Q (2B) VLAN (2B) Type=IP (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) TTL (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Dst Addr (4B) Header IP Src Addr (4B) Src Addr (4B) IP Options (0-40B) IP Options (0-40B) Src Port (2B) Src Port (2B) UDP Header Dst Port (2B) Dst Port (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP Payload (MN Packet) UDP Payload (MN Packet) PAD (nB) PAD (nB) Ethernet Trailer CRC (4B) CRC (4B) PlanetLab IPv4 Key(0x5) (64 bits) SL(4b) 0101 Port (4b) IP DAddr (32b) IP Proto (8b) UDP DPort (16b)
PlanetLab Ingress LC Processing Ingress Processing: Similar to IPv4 MR Parse right now. Minimal IP Header checks/validation: Check that version is IPv4 Check IP Header checksum Ignore options (Leave as is and forward on) Drop if fragmented (What if GPE bound?) Extract IP Protocol IP Dst Addr UDP Dst Port Or whatever is in the 2B that would be the UDP Protocol if the IP Protocol were UDP We shouldn’t have to worry about what might be in this field if the IP Protocol is not UDP Perform Lookup Result contains Ethernet DAddr for destination blade VLAN for destination slice (if needed) No changes made to IP Header Re-write Ethernet Header Configured with Ethernet SAddr for LC Total number of 8-Byte reads: No VLAN, No IP Options: 4 No VLAN, Max IP Options: 9 VLAN, No IP Options: 5 VLAN, Max IP Options: 14 DstAddr (6B) Ethernet Header DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Type=802.1Q (2B) VLAN (2B) Type=IP (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) TTL (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Dst Addr (4B) Header IP Src Addr (4B) Src Addr (4B) IP Options (0-40B) IP Options (0-40B) Src Port (2B) Src Port (2B) UDP Header Dst Port (2B) Dst Port (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP Payload (MN Packet) UDP Payload (MN Packet) PAD (nB) PAD (nB) Ethernet Trailer CRC (4B) CRC (4B) Indicates fields that need to be read Indicates 8-Byte Boundaries Assuming no IP Options
PlanetLab Ingress LC Output Frame Ethernet Header is only thing that changes: DAddr: MAC Address of GPE/NPE (Result) 40 bits are static 8 bits variable and stored in Result SAddr: MAC Address of LC (static) Type = 802.1Q (static) VLAN = Slice VLAN (Result) Type = IP (static) Total number of 8-Byte Reads: 1 Need to read first part of IP header so when we do the write of last part of ethernet header we can fill out the 8-Byte Write. Total number of 8-Byte Writes: 3 DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Ethernet Header Type=802.1Q (2B) VLAN (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Header IP Src Addr (4B) IP Options (0-40B) Src Port (2B) UDP Header Dst Port (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP Payload (MN Packet) PAD (nB) Ethernet Trailer CRC (4B) Indicates fields that need to be written Indicates 8-Byte Boundaries Assuming no IP Options
PlanetLab Egress LC Input Frame Ethernet Header addressed to LC IP Packet should be complete and LC does not need to touch it. (Phase 0) Should not even need to do hdr checksum Lookup Key: IP Dst Addr(32b) Used to determine next hop Ethernet Dst Addr DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Ethernet Header Type=802.1Q (2B) VLAN (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Header IP Src Addr (4B) IP Options (0-40B) Src Port (2B) UDP Header Dst Port (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP Payload (MN Packet) PAD (nB) Ethernet Trailer CRC (4B) Indicates fields that need to be read Indicates 8-Byte Boundaries Assuming no IP Options
PlanetLab Egress LC Processing Egress Processing: Extract IP Dst Addr Perform Lookup Need to generate MAC DAddr for next hop VLAN, maybe Result contains L2 Lookup Table Index L2 Lookup Table Entry: L2 Header Size (14B or 18B) 18 Bytes of Data No changes made to IP Header Re-write Ethernet Header Configured with Ethernet SAddr for LC Total number of 8-Byte reads: 2 DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Ethernet Header Type=802.1Q (2B) VLAN (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Header IP Src Addr (4B) IP Options (0-40B) Src Port (2B) UDP Header Dst Port (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP Payload (MN Packet) PAD (nB) Ethernet Trailer CRC (4B) Indicates fields that need to be read Indicates 8-Byte Boundaries Assuming no IP Options
PlanetLab Egress LC Output Frame Ethernet Header is only thing that changes. Use the L2 Header Table to get: DAddr: MAC Address of next hop (Result) SAddr: MAC Address of LC (static) Optional Type = 802.1Q (static) VLAN = Slice VLAN (Result) Type = IP (static) Total number of 8-Byte Reads: 1 Need to read first 6 Bytes of the IP header so when we do the write of last part of ethernet header we can fill out the 8-Byte Write. Total number of 8-Byte Writes: 3 DstAddr (6B) SrcAddr (6B) Ethernet Header Type=802.1Q (2B) VLAN (2B) Type=IP (2B) Ver/HLen/Tos/Len (4B) ID/Flags/FragOff (4B) TTL (1B) Protocol = UDP (1B) Hdr Cksum (2B) Dst Addr (4B) Header IP Src Addr (4B) IP Options (0-40B) Src Port (2B) UDP Header Dst Port (2B) UDP length (2B) UDP checksum (2B) UDP Payload (MN Packet) PAD (nB) Ethernet Trailer CRC (4B) Indicates fields that need to be written Indicates 8-Byte Boundaries Assuming no IP Options
Queuing Assume we are using an external GE switch IPv4 MR Queueing: LC RTM: 5 internal ports go to switch for traffic to/from NPE(s) and GPE(s) 5 external ports 1 to Internet 4 to local hosts NPE RTM 5 ports used by NPUA to switch Each port is associated with 1 of the LC’s external ports 5 ports used by NPUB to switch GPE 1 GE port to switch` IPv4 MR Queueing: Rate control per port
NPE Queuing Queueing on a per port basis Ports split across NPUA and NPUB (Phase 0.0) Rate control per port Rate control will need to be dynamically adjustable so we can balance bandwidth usage across NPs and GPE Each MR gets N queues per port MRs choose how to use the N queues Quantum assigned per MR for each port MRs can choose how to split among their N queues May or may not make sense to assign queues on a per MI basis Quantum being split across the queues means that an MR with only one active MI may not get its “fair” share. Rx (2 ME) Demux (1 ME) Hdr Format (1 ME) 5-Port QM/Schd (1 ME) Parse (1 ME) Lookup (1-2 ME) 5-Port Tx (1 ME)
NPE Queuing N 5-Port P Tx U A QM/Schd QM/Schd N P U B 5-Port Tx Port 1 ... Port 1 R T M Port 2 5-Port Tx N P U A Port 3 Port 4 SPI Switch Port 5 QM/Schd ... Port 6 N P U B Port 7 5-Port Tx Port 8 Port 9 Port 10
LC Ingress Queuing 1 5-port QM support 5 GPEs 1 5-port QM support all NPEs in one Q/port
LC Egress Queuing Queueing on a per ME per port basis Each MR gets 1 queue per port Equal quantum assigned to each MR on each port All get equal “fair share”
LC: Functional Blocks S W I T C H Phy Int Rx (2 ME) Key Extract (2 ME) Lookup (2 ME) Hdr Format (1 ME) QM/Schd (2 ME) Switch Tx (2 ME) S W I T C H Phy Int Tx (2 ME) QM/Schd (2 ME) Hdr Format (1 ME) Lookup (2 ME) Key Extract (1 ME) Switch Rx (2 ME)
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H RBUF Buf Handle(32b) Eth. Frame Len (16b) Reserved (12b) Port (4b) Rx: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from RBUF to DRAM
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (8b) Eth Hdr Len (8b) Eth. Frame Len (16b) Reserved (12b) Port (4b) Lookup Key[63-32] (32b) Lookup Key[ 31-0] (32b) Key_Extract (2 Microengines): Function: Extracts lookup key. Peel ARP packets off and send to XScale??? Notes: Frame offset in buffer is a constant and does not need to be read from Buffer Descriptor Ethernet Frame Length should be passed along chain so Hdr Format can figure out where to start writing its stuff.
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (8b) Eth Hdr Len (8b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (8b) Eth Hdr Len (8b) Lookup Key[63-32] (32b) VLAN (16b) Stats Index (16b) Lookup Key[ 31-0] (32b) DAddr (8b) Port (4b) QID (20b) Lookup: Notes on next page
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Lookup: Function: Performs Lookup and passes result on to Hdr Format. Lookup Key (64b): SL Type (4b): 0101b Port (4b): May be a don’t care IP DAddr (32b) IP Proto (8b) UDP DPort (16b) Lookup Result (56b): DAddr (8b): only 8 bits of Ethernet DAddr are variable, other 40 are static per node. VLAN (12b) QID (20b) Stats Index (16b) Port (4b): For case with external switch it is the actual physical interface to use For case with switch blade, it is just used to spread traffic across QM/Scheduler Notes: Does Lookup Key need to include Port? Seems like it should not. Does Lookup still need Frame Length? Will it be maintaining any Byte Counters? Result should not have to include RxMI, it is not used for anything. Stats Index may be a Per MI stats index if designed.
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) Buffer Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (8b) Eth Hdr Len (8b) Rsv (4b) Port (4b) Rsv (4b) QID(20b) VLAN (16b) Stats Index (16b) DAddr (8b) Port (4b) QID (20b) Stats Index (16b) Frame Length (16b) Hdr Format: Function: From lookup result: re-writes just the ethernet header in DRAM to make frame ready to transmit. Extract QID, Port, Stats Index and Frame Length to pass on to QM/Scheduler May need to increment a counter based on Stats Index. Notes: Pass Size on to QM/Scheduler so it does not have to read buffer descriptor for Enqueue to update Q Length. Offset to beginning of old Ethernet header should be constant but we don’t necessarily know how long it was so we don’t know where to put our new one. Ethernet Hdr Len is used to determine where new header should go
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buffer Handle(32b) Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 Rsv (4b) Port (4b) Rsv (4b) QID(20b) V: Valid Bit Stats Index (16b) Frame Length (16b) QM/Scheduler (See Sailesh’s slides for more details) Function: Enqueue and Dequeue from queues Scheduling algorithm Drop Policy Notes:
LC Ingress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Rx Key Extract Lookup Hdr Format QM/Schd Switch Tx S W I T C H Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 TBUF V: Valid Bit Switch TX: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from DRAM to TBUF Notes:
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Buf Handle(32b) RBUF Eth. Frame Len (16b) Reserved (12b) Port (4b) Rx: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from RBUF to DRAM Memory Accesses: SRAM: Write Buffer Descriptor DRAM: Transfer from RBUF Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Write/Initialize: Buffer_Next, Buffer_Size, Offset, Free_List, Packet_Size Notes: Buffer Handle: contains the SRAM address of the buffer descriptor. from the SRAM address of the descriptor we can calculate the DRAM address of the buffer data. Passing the offset of where the packet starts in memory will save the next block from having to read the buffer descriptor. Perhaps we should just pass the actual DRAM Buffer Pointer?
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth. Frame Len (16b) Reserved (12b) Port (4b) Key_Extract: Function: Extracts lookup key based on type of frame that was received. Memory Accesses: DRAM: Read VLAN and TxMI from Frame SRAM: None Buffer Descriptor Accesses: None Notes: Calculates DRAM Address based on SRAM descriptor address in buffer handle and the Offset passed to it by RX.
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) Rate Monitor: Function: Ensures that MR/MI’s behave according to their Rate Specs. Does this need to be a separate function from the QM/Scheduler? Memory Accesses: Unknown at this point DRAM: SRAM: Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Unknown at this point Notes:
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Lookup Result [159-128] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) Lookup Result [127-96] (32b) Lookup Result [95-64] (32b) Lookup Result [63-32] (32b) Lookup Result [31-0] (32b) VLAN: Lookup Key [31-16] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) TxMI: Lookup Key [15-0] (32b) Lookup: Function: Performs Lookup and passes result on to Hdr Format. Memory Accesses: DRAM: None SRAM: TCAM Lookup Write Lookup command Read Lookup Result (1-5 words from TCAM SRAM Controller or other SRAM Controller) Buffer Descriptor Accesses: None Notes: Lookup does no processing on the lookup result. Need to decide how lookup result will be stored and retrieved. See notes on TCAM for information about the issues involved.
LC Egress: Lookup Result Data Formats MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) IP DA (32b) MLI(16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) P2P-DC MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port SL P2P-Tunnel_IPv4 (w/o VLAN) MA (w/o VLAN) MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) VLAN (16b) IP DA (32b) MLI(16b) VLAN(16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port SL MA (with VLAN) MLI(16b) Rsv (16b) QID(20b) Eth DA[47:16] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Eth DA[15:0] (16b) VLAN (16b) P2P-Tunnel_IPv4 (w/o VLAN) MLI(16b) ETYpe(16b) MLI(16b) EType (16b) QID(20b) Rsv (4b) Port SL Rsv (4b) Port (4b) SL (4b) QID(20b) VLAN (16b) Rsv (16b) P2P-VLAN0 Legacy IPv4 (w/o VLAN) Legacy IPv4 (with VLAN)
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Buffer Handle(32b) Lookup Result [159-128] (32b) Buf Handle(32b) Eth Frame Length (16b) Reserved (16b) Lookup Result [127-96] (32b) Lookup Result [95-64] (32b) Lookup Result [63-32] (32b) Lookup Result [31-0] (32b) Rsv (4b) Port (4b) Rsv (4b) QID(20b) Reserved (16b) Frame Length (16b) Hdr Format: Function: From lookup result: re-writes headers in DRAM to make frame ready to transmit. Extract QID to pass on to QM/Scheduler Memory Accesses: DRAM: SRAM: Read Descriptor and Re-Write Descriptor OR Atomic Increment/Decrement some fields in Descriptor Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Update Size and Offset fields Notes: Pass Size on to QM/Scheduler so it does not have to read buffer descriptor for Enqueue to update Q Length.
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H Buffer Handle(32b) Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 Rsv (4b) Port (4b) Rsv (4b) QID(20b) V: Valid Bit Reserved (16b) Frame Length (16b) QM/Scheduler (See Sailesh’s slides for more details) Function: Enqueue and Dequeue from queues Scheduling algorithm Drop Policy Memory Accesses: DRAM: None SRAM: Q-Array Reads and Writes Scheduling Data Structure Reads and Writes QLength Data Structure Reads and Writes Dequeue: Read Buffer Descriptor to retrieve Packet Size Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Read packet size Notes:
LC Egress: Functional Blocks Phy Int Tx QM/Schd Hdr Format Lookup Rate Monitor Key Extract Switch Rx S W I T C H TBUF Buffer Handle(24b) Rsv (3b) Port (4b) V 1 V: Valid Bit Switch TX: Function: Coordinate transfer of packets from DRAM to TBUF Memory Accesses: SRAM: Read Buffer Descriptor DRAM: Transfer to TBUF Buffer Descriptor Accesses: Read Size and Offset Notes: Calculate DRAM address based on SRAM Descriptor address in buffer handle
LC: Notes on TCAM Lookups See techX_Design_TCAM_Usage.ppt slides for notes on how the TCAM will be used by the Lookup Block
Extra The next set of slides are for templates or extra information if needed
LC: Buffer Descriptor Hopefully we can use the same buffer descriptor for the LC and the CRF Processing Engine. There might be some fields that are used on one and not on the other but that’s ok (MR_ID, TxMI, VLAN not needed on LC) PE Buffer Descriptor: LW0: buffer_next 32 bits Next Buffer Pointer (in a chain of buffers) LW1: offset 16 bits Offset to start of data in bytes LW1: BufferSize 16 bits Length of data in the current buffer in bytes LW2: reserved 8 bits reserved/unused LW2: reserved 4 bits reserved/unused LW2: free_list 4 bits Freelist ID LW2: packet_size 16 bits (Total packet size across multiple buffers) LW3: MR_ID 16 bits Meta Router ID LW3: TxMI 16 bits Transmit Meta Interface LW4: VLAN 16 bits VLAN LW4: reserved 16 bits reserved/unused LW5: reserved 32 bits reserved/unused LW6: reserved 32 bits reserved/unused LW7: packet_next 32 bits pointer to next packet (unused in cell mode) Leave multi-buffer fields there as a template for the dedicated blade implementation of a jumbo-frame MR. Also reduces changes to Rx, Tx, and QM and reduces potential problems. So, far I haven’t found anything extra that we need on LC. VLAN Packet_Next MR_ID TxMI Free_List Packet_Size Buffer_Next Offset Buffer Descriptor Buffer_Size
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