Gra duate Stud ies in Com puter Science George Labahn Gra d ua te Director
Graduate studies ¡ Why grad ua te stud ie s? ¡ Why Computer Scie nce a t Wa terloo? ¡ Pro gra ms ¡ Re se a rch a rea s ¡ Getting experience ¡ Schola rship s a nd fund ing ¡ Ad missio ns
Why g ra duate stud ies? You’ll lea rn how to… ¡ Cond uct re se a rch ¡ Specia lize in a rea s tha t intere st you the mo st ¡ Fo rmula te, a na lyze , a nd so lve p rob le ms ¡ Work a long sid e your p eers, sup erviso r, p rofesso rs, etc
Why stud y at Wa terloo ? Top 5 reasons ¡ La rge st center for math a nd co mputing in the world ¡ CS very highly ra nked world wid e ¡ 80 p rofesso rs in sch ool. Ve ry d iverse faculty. ¡ 100% fund ing a va ila b le for re se a rch stud ents ¡ The re a re 17 d ifferent re se a rch a rea s to stud y
MMath p ro g ra ms Also : Accelerated Masters Program Options Requirements Coursework 8 courses Paper 7 courses Thesis 4 courses + thesis Also : Accelerated Masters Program Use ful for Wa terloo und ergrad stud ents Ta ke two grad ua te co urse s in your 4A/4B term Spea k with a n ad viso r to a rra nge your sch ed ule
PhD p ro g ra m Recommended Requirements PhD 4 courses + thesis Thesis defence Recommended Prio r re se a rch experience for d irect ad missio ns Masters degree* Und ergrad ua te Re se a rch Assista ntship use ful * Mo st stud ents co mplete a Ma ste rs b efore a pp lying.
Resea rch a rea s 17 different areas to study Algorithms and Complexity Human Computer Interaction Artificial Intelligence Information Retrieval Bioinformatics Machine Learning Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation Programming Languages Computer Graphics Quantum Computing Cryptography, Security, and Privacy (CrySP) Scientific Computation Database Systems Software Engineering Formal Methods Systems and Networking Health Informatics
Getting experience Undergraduate Research Assistantship ¡ Work a long sid e a p rofesso r to help co nd uct re se a rch ¡ $600 a term for p a rt-time re se a rch; a va ila b le for co -op ¡ Apply as early as 3rd yea r (min. a vera ge of 80% ) ¡ Open positions are posted online: cs.uwa terloo.c a / ura ¡ Stud ents ca n a lso co nta ct a faculty members to a sk a b out URA opp ortunities in their re se a rch a rea
Schola rship s Scholarship Requirements Eligibility NSERC Must hold a Research Assistantship or have a GPA > 85% Canadian citizens and permanent residents OGS Very limited for international students Open to all Cheriton Very competitive • $10,000/year for 2 years 5 - 8 awards/term
Funding Opportunities Details Research Assistantship (RA) Receive additional funding through research grants from your supervisor. Teaching Assistantship (TA) Work alongside your supervisor or others to help teach courses and mark assignments. Receive payment from School.
Admissio ns What you’ll need to apply Online form ($100 fee) graduate-students/applying- admissions Transcripts Upload your transcripts Include all of your supporting documents Resume 3 letters of reference Statement of interest International students Record of landing English language exam Studies completed outside of North America GRE exam
Deadlines Admissions process Scree ning – App lica tion reviewed Term Application deadline Fall (September ) December 15 Winter (January) June 1 Spring (May) October 15 Admissions process Scree ning – App lica tion reviewed App lica tion circula ted to p otentia l sup erviso rs University approval * Re view p roce ss ca n ta ke 4-5 months.
Help ful hints for admissio ns Undergraduate Research Assistantships ¡ Grow your re se a rch experience Letters of reference ¡ Get to know your p rofesso rs; reference s w ill look b etter if they a re from som eone you know Project-based courses ¡ Enro ll in co urse s tha t a re p roject-oriented
Questions? WEB ¡ cs.uwa terloo.c a /future-gra d ua te -stud ents ¡ cs.uwa terloo.c a /g ap EMAILcsg ra d @u w a t e OFFICE DC2599