The Cold War Exit Project Overview Slideshow Social Studies
Do Now Do Not open your laptop!!! Write your name and class clearly on the following 3 things: FOLDER Note-taking packet Exit Project Overview Packet
Go to….. Click EXIT PROJECT CENTRAL Open the Exit Project Overview Slideshow
Project Introduction Read the project introduction section on the first page of your overview packet. The focus for your research for your social studies exit project will be Cold War people, events or decisions. The Cold War was a time in world history between 1945-1991, when Russia and the United States were in a bitter rivalry. You will research 3 people, events or decisions and you will focus on the who? What? When? Where? Why? And how? for each topic. You will complete several steps on your way towards the final research paper. The project parts are listed on the next page and will be completed in class. Any work not completed in class must be completed by the student on his or own time.
Assigning Topics!!! Go to and click EXIT PROJECT CENTRAL Download the attachment: Class…. Assigned Topic List Find your name and write down the name of your assigned topic on the front of your folder.
Note-Taking Practice Go to User I.D.=ms244 Password=worldbook Click ADVANCED Search the Cold War and click the first article Answer the questions below on your graphic organizer using complete sentences: What was the Cold War? When did the Cold War happen? How long was the Cold War? What were the two main countries that fought the Cold War?
Copy the due date below….. Class 802: Part 1: Note-Taking Packet (Preliminary research only) DUE: Monday, November 19th Classes 804 and 806: Parts 1 and 2: Note-Taking Packet (Preliminary and Extensive Research) DUE: Monday November 19th
Download……. Quietly read over the 2 documents The following attachment from the exit project tab: Exit project Note-Taking Example Look in your overview packet for the Note-Taking Rubric Quietly read over the 2 documents Write down any questions you have!!!
What is the Exit Project? The social studies exit project is a graduation requirement. You will not be able to attend graduation, prom, or the senior trip if you do not submit this assignment. It is a multi-step assignment in which the final product will be a typed research paper. The project is 30% of your 2nd marking period grade. Anything you do not finish in class should be completed for Homework.
What is a Research Paper? A typed essay in which the student using print and online resources to answer questions, take notes and draw conclusions about a topic.
Parts of the Exit Project Part 1: Research and Note-Taking. Part 2: Creating the Essential Question Part 3: Typing the draft Part 4: Creating the Works Cited Page Part 5: Revising and Editing your draft Part 6: Google Slideshow Part 7: Student Reflection
Exit Project Due Dates Assessment # 1: Preliminary Research Notes Packet on your assigned topic DUE MONDAY NOVEMBER 19th Assessment #’s 2 and 3: Extensive Research Notes on your 3 selected topics and your essential question DUE MONDAY November 26th Assessment # 4: Body Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 DUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd Assessment # 5: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraph’s Due MONDAY DECEMBER 10TH Assessment # 6: Works Cited Page Draft DUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 17TH Assessment # 7: Final Research paper 5-Paragraphs and works cited page DUE Friday December 21tst Assessment # 8 : Google Slideshow DUE FRIDAY DECEMBER 21ST