Upload Minimum 400 x 400 pixels Twitter header Photo 500 Pixels 1500 Pixels Profile Picture Upload Minimum 400 x 400 pixels Shrinks to 200 x 200 pixels 100kb max size
Template Directions The next slide (immediately after these instructions) is already sized specifically for Twitter and is where you’ll be able to create your custom cover photo. To customize, simply insert your own images and maybe some shapes from PowerPoint; use funky fonts and change the background color…whatever you want…get crazy (or not…make it YOU)! When you’re finished having fun, you’ll need to save your work. Click on ‘File’, ‘Save As’, name the file and select ‘PNG Portable Network Graphics Format’ from the ‘Save as type’ drop down menu.
Here is where you will have your fun…simply delete this text box and start creating! I have a place holder for your Profile Photo below/left so that you have an idea, when creating your cover photo, where it is. Also, above, you’ll see the shaded bar…that part will not show when you upload your header to Twitter so keep that area empty. I suggest you leave both of these in place until you’re finished designing your cover photo, then delete them. Profile Photo
Sample 1 Profile Photo
Sample 2 Profile Photo
I hope you enjoyed and appreciated this helpful resource! All sharing and feedback is greatly appreciated!!