Master Degree programs in RU & KZ
Current Master Programs RU universities: KSAU: “Food Products of Plant Origin” KalmSU: “Safety of Food Products” within the field “Food products of animal origin” BSAA: “Food safety, food processing and marketing of traditional food products” within the field of Animal Science (to be launched since September 2015) TuvSU – presented the bachelor program in the field KZ universities: PSU: "Technology of food products" KSU: “Production technology of livestock products”; KSU, KATU: “Veterinary Sanitation”
Current Master Programs RU universities: - 1 credit=36 hours - Practical training and research work are united in the curriculum KZ universities: - 1 credit=45 hours (theory) - Practical training and research work are different components of the curriculum
Current Master Programs in RU & KZ universities have basic and major courses basic courses include Philosophy; IT-related courses; Foreign Language compulsory courses and elective courses (defined by the university)