METHOD The way we treat the subject matter and the way we treat the children, make up the method. TEACHING The way the Muallim/a teaches the children is the most important part of teaching.
METHODS OF PRESENTING SUBJECT MATTER THE NARRATIVE, LECTURE OR STORY METHOD The Muallim/a does the talking. Most effective when use with in combination with other methods. THE KITAAB/TEXT BOOK METHOD Selected textbooks are used to serve as a starting point in the planning, preparation and organization of the lesson.
THE DISCUSSION METHOD Discussion is organized talked. To develop and share ideas is a dynamic, universal activity, not limited to any special class or group. THE QUESTION AND ANSWER METHOD An important device, which proves extremely beneficial during revision.
GROUP METHOD Group work, far more than other methods of teaching, help pupils towards the goal of involvement and socializing. In organizing group work, the Muallim/a should use the following: Decide on which type of group to use. Discuss guidelines with the different group leaders. Examine the physical setting in which group work will take place.
LET US DISCUSS THE DIFFERENT METHODS THAT CAN BE USED The pupils interest must be kindled with that which he/she is to learn when he/she comes to Madarassah after a hard and tiring day at school. The Muallim/a every permissible method when teaching so as to make the pupil look forward to coming to Madrassah. ARE YOU DOING THIS?? LET US DISCUSS THE DIFFERENT METHODS THAT CAN BE USED
PROPHETIC MODULE “Call unto the path of your Sustainer with wisdom, admonition and reason with them in the best way.”
TECHNIQUES EMPLOYED BY NABI r Nabi r used a number of methods when teaching the Sahabah y. Muawiya bin Al-Hakam As-Salaami y said: “By my father and my mother, I have never seen a teacher before or after him, (i.e. the Prophet r, who is better and more efficeint in teaching than him. – Sahih Muslim.
Nabi r also took into account who were being taught. On one occasion he used the problem solving technique, e.g. shaking of a tree. At another instance he used the illustrative method, e.g. drawing on the sand with a stick.
On many instances he would relate stories of people of former tribes On many instances he would relate stories of people of former tribes. (Quraan also employs similar) Question and answer method. (S. Al-Qariah) Written method (Recording of Quraan) Repetition method, “Those who are present should transmit, (Whatever they hear from me) to those that are absent.” (Bukhari), Surah Rahman Practical method “Perform salaah as I perform salaah.”
· Interaction – used extensively when engaging the Sahabah y. · Motivation – Fadhaail. · Memorization – Hifz-e-Quraan. · Similitude – Surah Anqabut (Spiders web). · Analogy – Surah Baqarah (Charity). · Description – Me’raj
Observation – numerous incidents -(Hasan y, Building with domes etc.) Implementation – Qiblah, Hijaab Competition - Khayber Incident Easy to difficult – Prohibition of Alcohol (3 steps) Using intellect – Surah Nahl (Milk, Honey)
A successful teacher is in reality has a successful method to deliver to a student or a pupil, a lesson in the simplest, easiest, and most efficient way. No matter how much knowledge a teacher may have, if he/she does not have the proper method of teaching he/she cannot succeed in teaching.