Principle #13 Ask! Ask! Ask!
Asking Questions Was it difficult to answer the questions that were just asked? Do you have trouble asking for what you need? Do you have trouble asking for what you want? What keeps you from asking hard questions?
What does this mean? “You’ve got to ask. Asking is, in my opinion, the world’s most powerful and neglected secret to success and happiness. -Percy Ross Self made millionaire and philanthropist
Where would we be with asking questions? Would Christopher Columbus have discovered the New World if he had not asked the queen for a fleet of ships and a crew of men?
Where would we be with asking questions? Would we have the light bulb if Thomas Edison had not asked for the funding he needed to finish many of his experiments?
Why ask questions? Asking for what we want or need opens many new doors, behind which are limitless possibilities
Questions Lead to Success Almost all successful individuals have asked other people to help them somewhere along the way. Questions
The #1 Reason People Don’t Ask Questions Fear of rejection – they are afraid to hear the word “no”
What can you lose by asking? Nothing! If you don’t ask, you’ve already lost! People are more willing to help than we think
Table Talk (5 Minutes) As a group, make a “T-Chart”. On the left side, list reasons people say no when you ask them for something. Reasons People Say No
Table Talk (3 Minutes) As a group, fill out the right side of the “T-Chart”. List ways that you can think of to change a “no” answer into a “yes” Reasons People Say No Ways to change a “No” to a “Yes”
Common Reasons People Say No You weren’t specific about what you wanted You asked the wrong person (he/she was not able to help you) Your body language suggested that you weren’t expecting a “yes” answer
The Art of Asking Ask as if you expect to get it Ask someone who can give it to you Be clear and specific Example: Don’t say: Can I borrow some money? Do say: May I borrow $50 until I get paid on Friday? Ask repeatedly
Door-to-Door Salesmen Door-to-door salesmen are rejected 90% of the time. Successful door-to-door salesmen focus on the 10% that do buy 94% of salesmen give up after the fourth call 60% of all sales are made after the fourth call
Practice Asking Specific Questions Don’t say: Will you support our charity? Do say: Don’t say: Can we spend time together? Don’t say: Could you help me with my homework? Don’t say: Could you help me with my business?
4 Case Studies on Asking Asking in Action (9:20)
Silent Reading Read about asking questions on pages 141-152 in the book entitled The Success Principles by Jack Canfield and Kent Healy. Take down one page of Cornell notes.
On Your Own