Time is not part of rock cycle, but is implied Example: a granite could be weathered and the particles eventually become part of a sandstone. The sandstone could later be metamorphosed to become a quartzite. How fast these events happen would determine what ages the rocks were.
RELATIVE DATING OF GEOLOGIC EVENTS / MATERIALS: PRINCIPLES Superposition Original Horizontality Cross-cutting relationships
Original Horizontality
original horizontality
Erosion and creation of unconformity
Cross-cutting relationships
Deposition of 1 – 5 Superposition Event Principle Deposition of 1 – 5 Superposition Folding of 1 – 5 Original Horizontality Erosion Superposition / Cross-cutting Deposition of 7 – 9 Superposition time
Figure 18.4 .5 Layer E Layer D Layer C Layer B Layer A Layer F Layer H Layer G Layer E Layer D Layer C Layer B Layer A Figure 18.4 .5
Uranium-238 Unstable parent Rn-222 Radon gas Lead 206 Stable daughter
Example radioactive decay pairs Parent Daughter Half life (years) Uranium-238 Lead-206 4.5 billion Uranium-235 Lead-207 713 million Rubidium-87 Strontium-87 47 billion Carbon-14 Nitrogen-14 5,370
Figure 18.14
radiometric dating – example 1 A granite is collected and analyzed Contains 50% U-235 and 50% Pb-207 Half-life of U-235 is 713 million years How old is the granite?
radiometric dating – example 1 Refer to Figure 18.14 50% parent, 50% daughter corresponds to 1 half-life Half-life of U-235 is 713 million years Thus, granite is 713 years old
radiometric dating – example 2 A granite is collected and analyzed Contains 2 micrograms of U-235 and 6 micrograms of Pb-207 Half-life of U-235 is 713 million years How old is the granite?
radiometric dating – example 2 8 micrograms of parent + daughter 2/8 micrograms = 1/4 = 25% U-235 6/8 micrograms = 3/4 = 75% Pb-207 Refer to Figure 18.14 25% parent / 75% daughter corresponds to 2 half lives. Half-life of U-235 is 713 million years Thus, granite is 2 x 713 = 1,426 million years old = 1.4 billion yrs. What if U-235 = 75%, Pb-207 = 25%?
Europe Modern humans Present time Asia 13,000 years Archaic humans incl. Neanderthals 33,000 years Small Archaic Humans 95,000 years Evolution of humans ~3 million years ago Africa
Correlation: establishing equivalence between rock layers that were once continuous