TRACES Version 5.31and BIP BTSF ATHENS 20-22 June 2012 Didier CARTON TRACES and BIP TRACES Version 5.31and BIP BTSF ATHENS 20-22 June 2012 Didier CARTON G2 Animal Health 1 Health and Consumers BTSF ATHENS 20-22 JUNE 2012
5.31 New module: Declaration Health and Consumers
New module: Declaration Generic Created and validated by EO or TRANSITAIR or BIP Reference number: DECLAR. XX.2012.YYYYYYY Notification e-mails: BIP and CCA Cloning : Hyperlink in box I.10 Specific: R 142/20111 Annex XV Chapter 20- intermediate products Annex XV Chapter 16- bones, hooves, horns… Health and Consumers
Exception for fish products from MS vessels Place of origin: TRACES published FV and ZV from MS Consignor: from MS Country or origin: country of dispatch Health and Consumers
IMPORT and CVED Listing of establishments Cloning and SLVU Greek islands (94/461) Direct access only for SLVU not TRANSITAIR Listing of establishments EU as non EU Modification of IMPORT Before version 5.31 By EO, TRANSITAIR and BIP Boxes: I.6 responsible for the load ; I,12 Place of destination, I.16 Entry BIP, Importer Version 5.31 By EO only Health and Consumers
IMPORT modification Health and Consumers
Laboratory tests: Pending results Search: Notification once per week to the BIP, >60days BIP and CCA "Pending laboratory test conclusion(s) for the following CVED-P certificates must be defined: CVEDP.XX.2012.YYYYYYY” Health and Consumers
Laboratory tests: category Health and Consumers
TRACES 5.30: CVED and rejection TRACES and BIP TRACES 5.30: CVED and rejection Validation of CVED without fulfilling box 35P/38A Alert and notification after 60 days Introduction a posteriori of the details “ Submit Not acceptable” Health and Consumers BTSF ATHENS 20-22 JUNE 2012
CVED-A: Origin and rejection Health and Consumers
CVED-A : Temporary admitted horses Automatic notification When: Monday after the exit date box 20 To Whom: BIP of exit and BIP of entry What: “A control must be filled for the following CVED-A certificates: CVEDA.XX.2012.YYYYYYY” Reminder: once per week to relevant BIPs and >60days BIP and CCA Management Notification: none Control: Any BIP Health and Consumers
Access to CVED EFTA CA EFTA LVU EO/TRANSITAIR 1/3 C LVU MS RASFF notifications EFTA LVU To MS CVEDs EO/TRANSITAIR To replaced CVEDs if initiated by them 1/3 C LVU Restriction to the signing LVU even for FZ/ZV Health and Consumers
Error message and transport Health and Consumers
Help to decision Health and Consumers
TRACES 5.30: Re-enforced checks Implementation: Based on CVEDs: border rejection Based on market notifications: triggered by the Commission Alert to the BIP Exclusion of consignment By size (10% of the triggering total net weight) By series (3 rows maximum / 10 following consignments) Lift up After favorable results within 3 rows Imposed Health and Consumers
TRACES 5.30: Re-enforced checks Re-enforced checks module Health and Consumers
TRACES 5.30: Re-enforced checks Information: Health and Consumers
5.31 Re-enforced checks Recalculation Presentation CA Health and Consumers
5.31 Reinforced checks 25 Health and Consumers
Query and Display Health and Consumers
Selected species and coherence Health and Consumers
Statistics: WEBI 29 29 Health and Consumers
Guidelines for CN codes TRACES 5.30: CN Code R (UE) 1006/2011 Guidelines for CN codes Health and Consumers
TRACES and BIP Learning Health and Consumers BTSF ATHENS 20-22 JUNE 2012
Glossary BIP: Border Inspection Post LVU: Local Veterinary Unit CCA: Central Competent Authority EO: Economic Operator TRANSITAIR: Customs agent CVED: Common Veterinary Entry Document Animal/Product INTRA: Intra trade certificate IMPORT: Import certificate into EU SLVU: Super LVU ADM: Administrator TRACES MS: EU Member states EC: European Commission 1/3C: Third country vis à vis EU CA: Competent Authority RCA: Regional Competent Authority DWH: Data Warehouse FZ: Factory vessel ZV: Freezing vessel Health and Consumers TRACES and BIP TRACES WEB Site Release note 5.31 Application Contact Tfo: +32 2 297 63 50 Health and Consumers BTSF ATHENS 20-22 JUNE 2012
Thank you for your attention TRACES Thank you for your attention Health and Consumers