The 1970s
The World in 1971 Detente 1971: Canada recognized Mao’s government in China Americans still only recognized the nationalists in Taiwan as the Chinese government People’s Republic of China admitted to the UN (Taiwan had held China’s seat for the past 22 years) 1973: US recognized Mao - relate to Castro
The World in 1971 (cont.) conflicts over oil (inflation), prices going up Yom Kippur War OPEC price jumped from $8/barrel to $40/barrel Tar Sands Arctic Pipeline National Energy Program
Multiculturalism Canada bicultural (French and British heritage), FNP ignored more immigrants from all over the world made Canada multicultural 1971: official policy of multiculturalism to assist cultural groups to operate, overcome discrimination, have interrelations, help them all learn the official languages
Progress on Women’s Rights Royal Commission on the Status of Women reported in 1970 National Action Committee founded in 1973 Goals: business success (key positions), political office
Women cont’d needed to close the “wage gap” education: eliminate sexism in textbooks, encourage females to take “male” subjects affirmative action in the workplace
Aboriginal Affairs 1969 White paper on Aboriginal Policy said that there should be no special privileges for Aboriginal Canadians [assimilation] gov’t proposed : abolish Dep’t of Indian Affairs eliminate reserves give responsibility to prov. gov’ts terminate Indian status Aboriginal peoples very upset didn’t want to lose special status began to organize, became political force
Foreign Ownership to Free Trade The 1970s Foreign Ownership to Free Trade
Foreign Ownership Branch Plant economy and tariffs Foreign Ownership – Silent Surrender What is good about Foreign Ownership? Why did Canada put limits on Foreign Ownership Foreign Investment Review Agency [FIRA]?
Foreign Ownership Liberal Party under Pierre Trudeau pushed for limits on foreign ownership 1972: 99% of petroleum industry owned by foreigners - >PetroCanada Canada Development Corporation [CDC] Conservative Party under Brian Mulroney encouraged foreign ownership and free trade.
Multi Nationals vs Nationalised
Western Alienation Background - The West, and the West Beyond the West – the ‘Colony of BC’ Economic: National Policy, Crow Rate, CPR, depression (eastern banks) Political: bilingualism, House of Commons, Senate Poor farmers oppressed by eastern economics and politics
Western Alienation Economic turnaround Potash development, forestry, mining and then oil and gas Growing economic power pushing for more political power – now central Canada is listening Western Leaders: Diefenbaker, Clark, Harper
Economics in the West
Western Alienation National Energy Programme OPEC crisis - reduced supply of oil and spiked prices Alberta becoming very rich – NEP imposed to create a “made in Canada” price for oil –export tax placed on oil shipped to USA response: Easterners should “freeze in the dark”
Conservative and the Economy Mulroney elected with great support of West in 1984 Believed in Free Trade with US “Canada open for business” brought down restrictions on foreign investment FTA 1988 NAFTA 1994
Quebec Separatism Rene Levesque and his separatist Parti Quebecois elected in 1976 Promised a referendum on separation Bill 101 “sovereignty association” Rene Levesque vs Claude Ryan, then Jean Cretien and Pierre Trudeau.
Quebec Separation The Constitution Non wins 60% - but it wasn’t a vote for status quo – Trudeau promises “renewed federalism” Constitution negotiations – gang of seven Quebec betrayed? Constitution Act of 1982 Charter of Rights – Notwithstanding clause
Quebec’s Place Meech Lake Accord Mulrouney elected with help from sovereigntists 1984 Promises to bring Quebec into constitution Elijah Harper refused to vote for accord in Manitoba and hence it didn’t pass there -= so it collapsed Separatism renewed (referendum 1995)