Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (gambling) that can be pleasurable but the continued use of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work or relationships, or health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.
Data Analysis: For each table or graph write a key conclusion that is illustrated by the data Example: on average women drink less frequently than men
OVERALL Illicit drug use
New users (FIRST TIME)
Age distribution of drug use
12th grade drug use
12th grade Cigarettes vs. marijuana
Data Analysis Reflection 1. List three statistics that you found to be the most interesting and why. 2. Based on the data, drug use (especially marijuana) among 12th graders is a significant issue. What do you think are the biggest contributing factors to this problem?
Cycle of Addiction I. Cycle of Addiction Drug abuse often follows a particular pattern that leads to compulsive behavior Treatment focuses on breaking cycle
II. Basic Risk Factors = increase in likelihood of addiction A. Genetic Factors = Inherited predispositions to addiction (e.g. Parent was an addict and passed on specific genes) B. Psychological Factors (Mental or Emotional Traits) C. Combination of nature and Nurture (genes and environment)
Nature and nurture
III. Substance Abuse and Treatment A. Substance Abuse = drug use that results in significant problems (work, relationships, social, health). i. Typically requires treatment
B. Treatment Steps i. Admit Problem ii. Enter a treatment program Face problem, Stress Management, Group Therapy, Address Risk Factors iii. Get Therapy Cognitive-Behavioral = restructure thought processes that lead to behavior Motivational = recognize and use personal resources for support 12 Step = recognize higher power, then follow series of steps to make amends and take responsibility
C. Treatment Effectiveness i. Relapse = return to use after treatment ii. 40-60% relapse within 1 year (NIH) iii. Multiple replapses common