Maximizing Your SI Attendance by Working Closely with Your Leader FLEX Workshop by Eileen Pierce August 14, L-149, 5:00-6:15
Attendance at SI Sessions What factors lead to HIGH attendance? What factors lead to LOW attendance?
Many factors contribute to student involvement in SI, but a key factor is…
Pair up and make a list for each: Characteristics of an effective Instructor-SI Leader Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Characteristics of an ineffective Instructor-SI Leader Relationship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Crucially, how students perceive your level of teamwork will impact their attendance at sessions! VS
Handout: Recipe for a Successful SI Relationship (Instructor & Leader) Let’s read through the 7 elements together. Then work with someone near you to answer the questions at the bottom of the handout.
Start off with clear communication: 1st 30-minute meeting—lay the foundation for a successful semester. See the handout SI Leader-Instructor 1st Meeting, Important Points to Be Clarified. Pair up and assume role of Instructor vs Leader. Instructor takes notes for each question on handout depending on SI Leader’s responses.
What stood out to you? Why?
Suggested Format for Weekly Meetings with Leader Important to stay in touch with Leader regularly 30 minutes minimum of meeting time weekly Use suggested format on handout as a guideline as to what to discuss
Parting quote… "The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." --Harvey Firestone