Introduction to C
C is simple. C is easy since it is extremely small and contains only 32 keys. Languages like C++,C# or java use C syntax. Gaming frameworks and even mobile devices use C.
Introduction to C Basics If Statement Loops Preprocessor Functions Switch case Structures File I/O
What IS C? C Is Journal Purpose Structure Programming Language . Its Instruction Consist Of English term & Mathematics “DENNS RITCHIE” Developers of the C programming Language at bell telephone laboratory . In 1970
Constant Of C INTEGER FLOATING CHARCTER STRING It consist of value number 45,45,47 It consist of decimal point 48.56% It consist of single character “C , H, d” It consist of more then one character “kalpesh” It represent by (%d) (%f) (%c) (%s)
Basic function of C printf :- IT is use to show out put to other user Scanf:- IT is use to get the data from the user Clrscr:- it is use to clear perious screen out put getch :- it is use for to hold the out screen