3.1 Continued… Significant Figures Love it.
Significant Figures Every nonzero digit is assumed to be significant (ex. 345 = 3 sig. figs.). Zeros appearing between nonzero digits are significant (ex. 202 = 3 sig. figs.). Leftmost zeros are not significant (ex. 0.002 = 1 sig. fig.). Wait…there’s more…
Significant Figures Continued Zeros at the end of a number and right of a decimal point are always significant (ex. 6.000 = 4 sig. figs.). Zeros at the end of a number and left of an understood decimal point are not significant if used as placeholders (ex. 7000 = 1 sig. fig.).
To Summarize… All zeroes are significant EXCEPT: Those at the beginning of a number (0.0002) Those at the end of a number IF there is NO decimal (6000)
Unlimited Significant Figures Counting (ex. 31 kids in this class) Exactly defined quantities (like 60min = 1 hour)
Check it. How many significant figures does 4.0528 contain? 50289.002? 2.2 X 1010? 2500? 0.005? 0.00300? I own 31 dogs.
Calculations Using Sig. Figs. ADDITION/SUBTRACTION The answer should be rounded to the same number of decimal places (not digits) as the measurement with the least number of decimal places. Ex: 61.2 meters + 9.35 meters + 8.6 meters Answer: 79.2 meters
Calculations Using Sig. Figs. MULTIPLICATION/DIVISION Round the answer to the same number of sig. figs. As the measurement with the least number of significant figures. Ex: 7.55 meters * 0.34 meters Answer: 2.6 meters2