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BGS History GCSE Revision Tests The Middle Ages.

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Presentation transcript:

Year 10: MEDIEVAL MEDICINE 1) List 3 ideas people had about the cause of disease in the Middle Ages. 2) List 3 kinds of treatment used in the Middle Ages. 3) Who created the 4 Humours theory? 4) Who was Claudius Galen and what did he discover? 5) List 3 reasons why people continued to believe the ideas of Hippocrates and Galen. 5) Explain the differences between a Physician, an Apothecary and a Barber Surgeon. 6) What are the main differences and similarities between modern and medieval hospitals?

7) Give 2 reasons why it was hard to keep medieval towns clean. 8) Give two ways people used to keep towns clean and healthy. 9) What year did the Black death hit Europe? 10) What percentage of people did it kill? 11) Describe the symptoms of the Black Death. 12) What were the potential treatments for the Black Death? 13) Which 3 factors were most important in inhibiting (preventing) change in medicine?