Welcome to …where learning comes to life.
Stubbington Study Centre Tuesday 23rd April 2019 – Friday 26th April 2019
Aims Of Our Visit Independence Team building Life Skills Fun Environmental focus Preparation for Year 6 residential trip
Stubbington Study Centre When do we go? Tuesday 23th April 2019 – Friday 26th April 2019 What is Stubbington Study Centre? Stubbington Study Centre delivers hands-on learning experiences outside the classroom, to schools and the wider community. With an enviable reputation resulting from over 70 years of outstanding provision, the sea-side facility offers you a unique and high quality learning environment where learning really does come to life. Where is Stubbington Study Centre? Not surprisingly Stubbington, on Stubbington Lane. Near the coast.
Stubbington Study Centre Where is the centre? The Solent Stubbington Study Centre
Stubbington Study Centre Activities Our activities are not only educational but fun too! They fall into three main areas: Environmental studies: Pond Study Beach Study Environmental Mapping games: Stubbington Fox Team-building activities: Eggstreme Challenge Earthquake
Rooms 6 children per dorm Boys and girls separate Children have some choice in room-mates from the three classes. Showers and toilets near to dorms. Staff rooms clearly labelled and spread out between children’s dorms.
Food! Choice Healthy food provided. Three cooked meals a day. Children sit at tables in Dining Hall and go to serving station in turn. School and centre staff supervising. Dietary requirements catered for – state on Medical Form nearer the time.
Staff Class teachers and additional school staff will accompany the children on the trip. This is in addition to the centre staff, who will be present at all times of the day, including an overnight staff member and an on site manager. Mr Barfoot Mrs Mainwaring Mr Evans Plus other adults depending on numbers
Safety and Security Security: One point of entry and clear well fenced boundaries and security cameras. At night dormitory doors are locked from the outside, doors can still be exited from the inside in the case of a fire. Teaching staff will be able to access the dormitories through coded doors. Stubbington staff on site. Medical: Centre staff will deal with first aid and all medical issues- please state on Medical Forms nearer the time. Whiteley staff will be responsible for administering any regular medication. Centre staff available 24 hours a day. Activities: All Stubbington Study Centre staff are DBS checked, qualified by national governing bodies relating to their activities and the centre provides a full risk assessment.
Typical Day Children stay in their class groups during activities, but house competitions are mixed.
Next steps: Talk to your children about whether or not they are interested in the trip. This trip is not compulsory. The cost is £191.22 You will receive a payment card in the next few days. Please pay the deposit by 7th December if you wish to reserve a place for your child. Fill in the slip attached to the payment card if you do not wish your child to attend. There will be more information nearer the time about what children need to bring and medical questionnaires Any questions please come along and ask us at the end. Thank you for your time!