Personal presentation Kyial Arabaeva UN World Food Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic IPROMO Bioeconomy in mountain areas – an opportunity for local development Pieve Tesino /Ormea 18 June -02 July 2018
Employment and main activities Education Master of Science in Policy Studies from the University of Edinburgh, UK, 2008 Graduate Diploma in Law from the Kygyz State National University, KR, 2006 Graduate Diploma in English Language and Literature from the Kyrgyz State National University, KR, 1998 Employment and main activities Employed with the UN WFP in the Kyrgyz Republic from 2013 to present as a Programme Policy Officer Main activities: Manage «Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment» project Manage «Cash Based Transfers» project Support to managing livelihoods enhancement and resilience building activities
Other interests (volunteer work, hobbies etc.) Traveling (travelled to about 30 countries) Languages (speak English, Russian, Kyrgyz, French, learning Arabic and Italian) Interests: Music, books, cinema, concerts, nature, swimming, interior design
Presentation of a project you are working on 1/3 Country Strategic Plan 2018-2022 with a budget of US$ 59 million jointly with Ministry of Labour and Social Development Strategic outcome 1: All primary school-aged children in the Kyrgyz Republic have access to safe, adequate and nutritious food all year round Strategic outcome 2: Vulnerable and food-insecure smallholders, particularly women, in vulnerable areas of the Kyrgyz Republic, have enhanced livelihoods and increased resilience to shocks to support food security and nutrition needs all year round Strategic outcome 3: Food-insecure communities in areas vulnerable to climate change have improved food systems and are more resilient to shocks all year round Strategic outcome 4: Government institutions at the central and decentralized levels have strengthened capacities for comprehensive food security and nutrition management by 2030
Presentation of a project you are working on 2/3 Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment project with a budget of US$ 2.5 mln. Implemented jointly by WFP, UN WOMEN, FAO and IFAD since 2014 2731 women are covered by the project in 5 provinces of the contry through social mobilization, economic and political empowerment, capacity building, income generation, food and nutrition assistance and policy support activities.
Presentation of a project you are working on 3/3 Key results achieved to date under the Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment project: 2,731 women in 73 villages are engaged in productive and sustainable agriculture with productivity increase of 30-70%, average additional income of 488 USD per agricultural season. Of them 805 women are running small businesses achieving an average of 29.5% increase in income. 379 self-help groups, 73 community funds, with total savings fund in 45 villages over 1,5 mln KGS (approx.. US$21,900); two women’s cooperatives and two women’s associations established, to start providing services to at least 1,500 women-members 32 women elected as members of local councils from among 93 trained. 15 gender-responsive local development strategies developed for 2017-2030 out of 34 target municipalities trained on the methodology of gender-responsive development planning. 12 social initiatives implemented to reduce women’s unpaid care burden through improved access to information, Internet, better child care facilities, access to electricity, improved road conditions, and IT training facilities in communities, which is expected to benefit 12,549 people. 43 champions trained on an innovative household strategy – Gender Action Learning System (GALS), and reached out to 3064 people (2443 women, 621 men) to influence gender power relations towards more equitable distribution of care work, and life free of violence.
Cash Based Transfer project Provision of conditional cash transfers (US$ 600,000) to benefit 7000 vulnerable families in 5 small towns as a compensation for their participation in the following activities: Agricultural produce enhancement Providing access to drinking water systems Disaster risk reduction Income generation and capacity building activities
Livelihoods enhancement and resilience building activities Livelihoods enhancement and resilience building activities to support vulnerable households Coverage: all sub-districts in 27 districts of 5 provinces Activities: rural development (construction and rehabilitation of food security related community assets, pasture management, agricultural produce enhancement, income generation, capacity building, skills training, etc.) Food assistance: Provision of fortified wheat flour and vegetable oil